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(Warning attempted rape and physical abuse if you aren't comfortable with that please do not read)

Y/n fed the kitten then went to have shower,after showering she decided to go over some of her school notes only to realize she didn't have her bag with her she tried to remember when she had her bag last and when it finally hit she grabbed her phone to message Kenji.

'Hi did I perhaps leave my bag in your car?'

He replied right away it was almost as if he was sitting online in their messages.

'Yes you did'

The girl groaned,before she could reply he had sent another message.

'I'll give it to you in the morning I can give you a ride to school'

She thought about it and replied with a simple yes and thank you since she couldn't study she got some snacks and decided to watch some anime,she spent the whole night watching anime,when she finally put it off it was already six thirty am and she had to start getting ready for school,she had a bath and got dressed and went down to make breakfast to the girls surprise all her brothers were having breakfast too she made herself cereal.

She felt her phone vibrate and looked at her message she ate finished then rushed out.

"Y/n wait"

She looked at them waiting for them to say whatever they needed to say.

"We'll drive you to school"

"Oh uh my friend is already waiting for me bye" she ran out before they could say anything raiko rushed out to see which friend was picking her up for school but he only managed to see a black range rover driving away.

The girl and ran quickly to the car and the minute she got on told him to drive almost as if she was being chased when she explained the situation to him he laughed so hard he almost cried the girl blushed as he laughed yes she was embarrassed but his laugh was deep and very pleasing to the ears thats what actually made her blush she had never met someone who had such an attractive laugh and she just couldn't get over it.

Once they reached school they were glad to see no one else was around they both got out of his car and he gave her the school bag and they walked into the school going their separate  ways he once again told her to come see him during lunch break and this time she actually agreed to meet him.

She went to her first period only to see she wasn't the only person in class there was a group consisting of five males the girl was nervous so as usual she put her earphones on and sat on her phone she felt uneasy because she could feel the eyes of the males on her she let out a sigh of relief when the class began to fill up,the males who were sitting opposite decided to sit behind the girl she tried to ignore them and focus on the teacher but they decided to kick her under the table so she lost her temper and ended up punching one of the males in the face  this caused the girl to get detention of course after explaining herself all six of them including the girl had detention after school which was not something the girl was not excited about.

The rest of her classes went by peacefully and during break she sat with Kenji while he tried to help her with her maths,her whole break was spent on maths and by the time it was over  she was exhausted but she forced herself to go to her other classes and once that was over she went to detention the guys were already in the classroom but halfway through detention the teacher had left the room and one of the guys went over to y/n when she ignored him he got angry and slammed his hands on her desk.

The girl just looked at the boy showing no emotion on her face the male in front of her chuckled and as she stood up two of the five males went and stood by the closed door she tried to pass the male but the two males who now stood behind her pulled her back causing her to land on the table her hands were trapped by the two male so she used her legs to try and kick the male with red hair but he caught her legs and then stood in between her legs looking down at the girl with and evil smirk the other males chuckled as they watched the girl struggle beneath their friend and just when they thought she gave up she kicked him in the balls.

Once he composed himself and the pain faded he walked up to the girl and punched her multiple times in the stomach,once she saw him undoing his pants she truly began to panic she tried screaming but one of the boys covered so she bit his hand until he completely let go of her then she punched the other one once they both let go she shoved the boy who was undoing his pants away and sprinted for the door.

She pushed the door open and relief flooded her face when she saw Kenji he looked at the males in the room who sprinted out of the room then his eyes landed on the girl who looked wild and ready to kill he scanned her and noticed the bruise marks on her and how her was a mess.

"What happened"

The girl was reluctant to tell him at first but she believed he may be a trustworthy person so she confided in him after a lot of persuading he managed to get the girl to go to the principals office with him but when Kenji and y/n stepped in the five boys were already there.

(Hi guys I'm sorry I haven't been posting I will try to post at least twice a week if that doesn't happen I apologize in advance once again thanks to anyone who reads,votes,comments and adds to reading lists I appreciate every single one of you ,also please let me know what you think of the chapter)

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