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When Kenji and y/n got to the office the five guys were already with the principal,the male looked at the teacher and the h/c girl he asked them to sit down and they listened as the principal told them the ridiculous story the five males had made up about the girl attacking them for no reason the pair tried to explain the situation but it wasn't something that could be probed so the matter ended just as suddenly as it began.

The boys said 'they wouldn't press charges and left but not before sending sinister smirks in the girls direction,she was a mess she had bruises around her wrists and her hair was a mess but because she had no proof that they hurt her first nothing could be done more so because they had a bunch of witnesses that saw the girl punch on of the guys during class,the whole situation was unfair and she once again found herself wishing she wasn't a female kenji had spoken to the principal after the boys left
but even though the older male believed them he made it clear nothing could be done.

Y/n was currently sitting with kenji while he packed up.

"What do you want to do??"

"There's nothing to do,like he said without proof I just look like I attacked them"

"You also have bruises"

"They said they were pulling me off the guy I bit so once again it would look like they were just trying to protect themselves"

Seiji had cussed,he hated situations like these,even though the girl in front of him was assaulted nothing would be done because it the word of five guy's.

"Do you wanna go home?"

She had a rough day already and she was in no mood to deal with her new annoying siblings she didn't know where to go but she knew she wasn't  going home.

"Well do you have anywhere else you could stay?"

The girl shook her head causing the male to sigh softly

"If you want to you can stay with me for a few days until your bruises heal or something bit you have to tell your parents something I'm not a pervert or killer or anything and I promise not to hurt you or anything"

The girl giggled at the older males nervousness before nodding and phoning her mum,she asked her mum if she could stay at a friends house and her mother agreed without question this caused the male next to her to frown did her mother not care who her daughter was with?

He grabbed her bag and walked with her to his car,when she jumped she saw her brothers coming out of school so she hid by bending down so they couldn't see her seiji quickly threw her bag in the car and looked at the males who were walking towards his carne met them half way so they wouldn't see y/n.

"Have you seen our sister?"

"No maybe she already left" they all glared at him and walked away he got in his car and drove to his apartment,he in a flat on the sixth floor do their was a lot of  stair to climb and by the time they reached his floor the girl was out of breath she entered his apartment and looked around while taking her shoes of at the door.

"Sorry for intruding"

The male smiled at her politeness not many younger people from her generation had the respect she did and it was something he admired even as they were walking up she offered to help the old people who were struggling carry there bags.

"You can have a bath first I'll leave and old shirt and shirt of mine in the bathroom so you don't have to stay in your uniform the whole time"

"Thank you for letting me stay in sorry for inconveniencing you with this"

"Its no inconvenience"

His house very clean there wasn't a speck of dirt anywhere and even though his apartment was small it was comfortable and she felt comfortable with him she had a quick shower using male shower gel which she didnt mind once she was done she dried herself off and got dressed his shirt was big on her but this was how she liked dressing so she felt even more comfortable,she stepped out of the bathroom to find kenji in front of the stove cooking he looked at her for a moment but then turned right around and continued cooking she went to stand next to him.

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