Untitled Part 22

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the next day came faster than I would have liked I didn't get any sleep last night and I was exhausted my brain wouldn't shut down especially because I had no clue what had happened to my phone I kept replaying the moment in my head and I was almost 100 percent sure I had my phone in the room with me  and even though I had a password to protect my phone I was worried somebody would get access to my phone which had a lot of important data on it like my bank details and passwords to account and last but not least i was worried  that somebody would get the wrong idea about Kenji and I life was tiring enough with the brothers assuming I had a relationship with him i didn't need anybody else thinking that way and the last thing i wanted was for him  to get into trouble for simply helping me because of my foolish tendencies.

My mind went back to our earlier conversation, and I was worried about him he looked as if he hadn't eaten or slept in days.

I got dressed for school and left before anyone else woke up i took a walk to school so i could get things of my mind and although it was a long walk it was peaceful and i hadn't felt peace in a long time by the time  i got to school the boys were already there and i just walked past them without saying anything.

The day was boring catching up on schoolwork and making sure all the projects i had missed were handed in so that my absence wouldn't affect my results everything was basically the same including the mean children who had nothing else to do their time by the time i had gotten to Kenji's class I was exhausted I thought I could finally talk to him, but he wasn't there in front of the class stood a man with a head full of blackish-grey hair he had a scowl on his face  and looked as if he was going to war his emerald  eyes found their way to me and his glare seemed to intensify. 

*third persons pov*

y/n just sat quietly wondering why the man seemed to dislike her when he didn't even know her, she was nervous her hands were shaking, and she couldn't explain why her body was responding this way that was until she heard his last name.


the same last name as the main boy who had tried to rape her, her body broke out in chills as the man watched her, but she kept her cool and took her schoolbooks out of her bag quickly noticing that he would be teaching the class instead of Kenji, her heart dropped because she knew Kenji wouldn't be coming back and that feeling turned worse when she thought about how her knew teacher was related to the boy who tried to rape her.

class was quiet and the teacher didn't do anything to pick on her or purposefully make her feel uncomfortable but despite that her body refused to listen to her mind and every time he walked past her to check on somebodies work she would break out in a cold sweat.

when class ended y/n rushed out of the classroom almost happy that school was over she walked out of the school gates and started walking home not bothering to wait for her siblings she took out her headphones forgetting she no longer had her phone cursing herself she stuffed them back in her bag before she heard someone call.

she looked up from her bag and found the person she's been wanting to talk to the whole day she surprised herself and Kenji by smiling she hadn't done that in a while and Kenji was shocked to see her smile.

"Are you alright y/n?"

"I'm alright thanks how are you Kenji?"


the atmosphere around them was tense and neither of them couldn't figure out why they just stood there avoiding eye contact/n stared at her shoes and Kenji looked around as if there was something interesting in the empty street.

y/n finally looked at Kenji and asked. 

"Why weren't you in school today?"

"I quit."

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't think teaching was for me."

"I don't understand you were a good teacher. "

"I don't think good teachers get so involved with their students."


the female was silent knowing that apologizing would do no good in this situation she was at a loss for words and now she had one more thing to feel guilty about.

"there's no need to feel apologetic y/n, I've really enjoyed the time and that is something i will never regret I'm hoping that as time goes on when you feel more comfortable, I like you and i want us  to spend more time together, I didn't quit because of you I've had a lot of careers, and it was time this one ended so please don't feel guilty."

y/n looked at him both confusion and embarrassment evident on her face her mind was racing wondering what he meant by he likes her but as she was about to ask a car came out of nowhere and her brothers stepped out getting in between the two of them.

frustrated at finding herself in the same situation again y/n groaned.

the brothers didn't care much for the way she reacted, but they shot Kenji a dirty look before practically dragging y/n away as she continued to watch Kenji, he gave her a smile and said something that y/n couldn't really hear over her brothers.

(hi guys I'm back sorry for not updating this in a while I will be trying to update every week and hopefully this time, I will be able to actually do it anyways I hope you guys are doing well thank you for reading please don't forget to vote and comment to let me know what you think about the chapter)

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