Cassidy 'Cassie' Baker

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Full name: Cassidy Leslie Baker

Face Claim: Savannah Lee May

Birthday: 1972

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Heritage/Ethnicity: American 


Father: unknown

Mother: Lisa Baker

Siblings: none

Height: 5'5

Weight: 135 lbs

Skin tone: white/pale

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: brown

Piercings: single ear piercing

Jewelry: she (eventually) wears the necklace Thomas gives her, but that's not till later😉

General appearance: decently tall, very long brown hair, (see picture on the cover I don't know what else to say😅)

Background: She was born in Hollywood to her business owner of a mother and veteran father, her father died in combat and her mother continues to run her business, when she was nine, her mothers business went bankrupt and closed down, they decided to move to a town where they could get a were cheap price on a house, they eventually came across McFarland. She joined the school district at 10 years old and was a complete loner, she never talked to anybody and no one  talked to her. Obviously until Julie comes to school.

Birthplace: Hollywood

Current residence: McFarland (duh

Nicknames: Cass, Cassie, Baker

Hobbies: Drawing, reading, writing, running

Introvert or extrovert: hella extroverted but she chooses not to show it

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