Chapter 13 - States

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(Cassies POV)

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god where have you been?" Julie asked as her feet made it back on the ground.

"Long, long, long story." I said. "I'm sorry I tried so hard to sneak out but that never worked until today."

"Cassie!" Thomas called my name. I looked at him seeing the look on his, and everyone else that was piling out of the bus. I felt Julie nudge my shoulder and smile at me.

"Really, already? I just got back we're starting this again?" I asked. She smiled again as I felt someone hug me.

"I honestly started to think you died." Thomas said.

"Nah, that car barely left a scratch, I'm fine." I laughed as the rest of the team huddled around us.

"Okay but seriously where were you?" Julie asked.

"Like I said, long, long, long story." I said. Jamie and Julies mom and dad had joined us too, her mom and Jamie hugging me as well.

"You wouldn't mind filling all of us in on the bus would you?" Coach White asked. "We have an hour long bus ride ahead of us." I turned to Julie.

"Only if you come with me this time." 

"Girl I'm not leaving your side for at least a week." Julie said putting her arm on my shoulder as we walked to the bus. The two of us sat in the front two seats, Coach White sat down to drive, and the rest of the team followed and sat behind us. "Alright spill. Right now."

"Okay, so I don't remember to much of what happened after the party, I remember getting hit by the car, I remember Thomas and Damacio pulled me out of the car, then I saw you, then I was out." I started. "Oh my god I haven't even asked if your okay, everything was okay with you right?" 

"Yes, I was fine, a few scrapes on my legs from when I fell, but nothing major." She said.

Coach White started to drive he looked up in the review mirror at me and said,

"I am so glad your okay." He sighed. "You scared Julie half to death you know that."

"Yeah seriously where have you been?" Julie asked.

"Long story, but I'll start with I ended up waking up in a hospital, I don't know where, it was just a hospital. I stayed for like a day and half, the doctors there told me I had a really bad concussion and they kept me because they were worried about brain bleeding or swelling. They told me to take it easy for at least a week and half and avoid bright lights like sun light, or loud noises like school, because it could be really painful and make my head worse.." I began. "That's why I missed school for so long. I slept most of the time and was so bored because my mom kept working so I was basically isolated for two weeks."

"So your back? Like your really back?" Thomas, who had been listening the whole time asked.

"Uhh, I guess so. Technically my mom and I agreed we would give it another day, but when I heard you guys actually made it all the way to the state championships I kinda broke that promise to be here, so, your welcome." I answered.

"Wait what do you mean you broke that promise?" Julie asked. 

"By break that promise I mean I waited till my mom passed out drunk on the couch again and then snuck out my bedroom window and walked here." I said.

"How are you going to get back in?" She asked.

"You know what we are going to cross that bridge when we get there." I said hoping we could drop the subject. 

"You didn't think about it at all did you?" Thomas said.

"Like I said, we are crossing that bridge, when we get there." I said again. "But on a serious note I have no idea. I'm really just hoping she doesn't shut my window. If she did, I might be in actual trouble."

Julie and I got to talk the entire hour bus ride there, which was really nice, since I felt terrible vanishing from everybody's lives with zero explanation for two weeks. The team was talking among themselves until we pulled in to a parking lot full of buses, surrounded by people in warm up suits and their coaches. Julie and I let the team of before us, high-fiving them all as they passed. The two of us stepped of the bus to be greeted by Danny vomiting down the side of the bus out of probably nerves. Coach came over to check on him and looked at the two of us.

"Julie you two go meet up with you're mom." He said. She nodded and I followed, not before giving one more good luck to his team. We found Julies mom and Jamie in the crowd of McFarland supporters, and after finding seats towards the starting and finish line of the race, Julie and I were just casually talking until the girl that sat next to me said something I didn't hear.

"Sorry did you say something?" I asked her.

"I said nice earrings." She said smiling. She was referring to the earrings Thomas got me for my birthday that I was wearing. "Where'd you get them?"

"Oh thank you, they were a gift." I couldn't remember who she was but she looked very familiar. "From a friend."

"Yeah I know, because I made them." She said. Oh. Now I remember. 

"Oh! You're Lola right?" I asked she smiled and nodded. "Thomas's sister? I can't believe I didn't recognize you!"

"Well I haven't been around and I have changed a little." She said nodding to her mother who was holding her new born baby.

"Everything's okay with the both of you right?" I asked.

"Oh yes everything is great. I'm healthy and he's healthy. You're Cassie right?" She asked looking at her baby and back to me as I nodded yes to her question. "I remember when I made those." She said pointing to my earrings. "You know, Thomas was sitting with me the entire time taking about you."

"Really?" I asked as Julie elbowed me in the ribs and I smacked her arm away.

"Yes." She said "all good things really, but it does get rather annoying."

"Yeah I know what that feels like." I said eyeing Julie as she laughed to herself. The runners began to line up at the starting line. I noticed Damacio point up in the stands in our direction to Thomas, when he looked up he smiled at somebody.

"Who's he looking at?" Julie asked me and Lola. "Because this time I don't think it's Cassie."

"Oh quit it." I laughed. Lola pointed two seats next to her at the man standing next to their mom.

"He must just be realizing our Father came to the race." Lola said. "They used to be inseparable, but haven't been on the best of terms as of late so I think it really means a lot to my brother that he's here."

"Yeah, I also know what that feels like." I said. "I have noticed he has seemed a little more up beat and happy as of late." Lola looked at me in shock.

"Wait did he tell you?" She asked. "Like he told you that they were fighting? Did he tell you why?"

"Yeah he told me why." I answered. "Why is that weird?"

"Considering he wouldn't open up to me about it, yeah it's a little odd if you ask me." She said. Then we all fell quite as we heard the beginning of the national anthem. After the song Coach White and his team all huddled up and I could tell based on the facial expressions I could see, he was delivering an emotional speech to his team. The broke down the huddle with a 'McFarland' cheer. As the crowd surrounding us cheered too. The racers all threw off their warm up jackets and stood together on the starting line. One of the race officials called out,

"Gentlemen, your command will be runners take your Mark, followed by the pistol. I will not fire the gun until I see that everyone is standing still, with your toes behind the line. Good luck today gentlemen." He rose the pistol in the air. "Runners take your Mark!"

The pistol fired and the teams took off.

A/N Heeyyyyyyyyyy. 

It's been a while.

I have no excuse this time (other than final exams) but it is summer vacation so, after I get back from camping this weekend you can expect the final few parts to be written soon after. 

Thank you for being patient, and if you haven't you should make sure to read the end of 'Regret' which I just finished 😏😉


Vivir Mi Vida (Live My Life)- A McFarland USA fanfic - Thomas VallesWhere stories live. Discover now