Chapter 14 - Champions

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(Cassies POV) 

I cringed at Jose sprinting immediately out of the gate, knowing he was going to burn him self out and just as all the runners made it out of sight, Julie turned to me and said, "Okay, you need to know something."

"What is it."

"When you were gone, my dad went to Palo Alto." She began. "He was offered a coaching job, and more than likely he might move us there."

"What!" I said absolutely shocked. "What because of what happened? Ju that's the first time I ever seen something that bad happen. He's just going to up an leave!"

"I'm sorry, we've been trying to convince him to stay." She said sadly. I was stunned, but all I could manage to say was,

"Does the team know?" She nodded. Julie nodded and Lola chimed in.

"Thomas came home an absolute wreck when you told them Julie." She said. "He loves this sport and I don't think he could imagine doing it for someone else, your dad really grew on him. I think he really grew on everybody."

"I don't know what I'm going to do if you leave." I said still in a little bit of shock.

"I'm not giving up yet." Julie said. "I promise I'm going to do whatever I can." I nodded, still not fully processing what happened, as we followed Julies mom and sister and a bunch of McFarland supporters down the trail to see the runners. We got to the lookout point and the head of the pack began to come around the corner, Thomas in third, right behind the first and second place. Through everyone's cheers I could hear Lola next to me screaming cheers at her brother, as the two of us made eye contact for a split second as he rounded the next corner. We stood and waited for the rest of the McFarland runners. Victor and Damacio came next, then Jose, who was already feeling the heat of sprinting to fast at the beginning.

"What's happening mom?" Jamie asks looking at Jose.

"Looks like he's run out of gas." Their mom said, "the others will have to make up for the points." All of us McFarland supporters made our way back to our seats in the bleachers and Lupe and her friends started a 'McFarland' chant, just as the leaders came back into view. Lola, Julie her family and I were all in the very front row. The crowd roared even louder when they came close enough to make out that Thomas was leading the pack and was able to hold onto the lead to come in first. Everyone in McFarlands section went completely nuts, Lola and I probably screaming the loudest of all of them. Julie, Jamie and their mom jumping up and down together. The rest of the runner began to come in, all of them towards the front, all except Jose. We all watched anxiously as Thomas made his way around all the coach's to find his. They we're talking until Thomas pointed to the racers, everyone turned to see Danny Diaz, blowing past every runner in sight.

"That's my son!" We heard Senora Diaz scream a few seats down. Danny fell to his knees just after crossing the finish line, Coach White and Thomas dragging him under the rope. The rest of the team coming over to celebrate with him as the 'McFarland' chants once again rose from our section. The final few runners piled in and all went to meet with their separate teams, and all put back on their warm up jackets as everyone anxiously waited for the results. McFarland was standing close to the front of all the teams, as all the spectators left the bleachers standing on the grass across from all the runners, the judges table somewhere in between the two groups. We all followed behind the race officials as they made their way up a small stage so they were looking out across the crowds. The McFarland team huddled together while one of the race officials began speaking into a microphone,

"Ladies and Gentlemen we do apologize for the delay. It was a very close race and we need to be sure." The McFarland fans were now all standing behind their team and coach anxiously listing. "But we can now announce that the first ever California State Cross Country Champion team is," he paused to read the paper in his hand one last time, "McFarland." The fans burst in cheers while I think the team was stunned more than anything else. Eventually it sunk in as Julie, Lola and I celebrated together, my jacket falling off my shoulders down to my forearms. Julies mom ran forwards to meet her husband as we looked out around all the parents and friends who came out to watch. I pulled my honorary team jacket the Julie and I were both wearing back onto my shoulders as I took of running and left the two of them to find the team. It didn't take two seconds for Thomas to hug me back when I found them, the rest of the team cheering even louder as I said,

"That was amazing." He smiled down at me and said,

"Thank you, you know-" he was cut off by his sister hugging him from behind,

"I'm so proud of you!" She screamed. I backed off and celebrated with Julie and the rest of the team as the brother and sister duo talked for a second, until their dad came over, hugging his son then eventually their mom joined too. That was actually adorable. More and more parents came over to celebrate with their children. Damacio and David hoisted Danny up in the air, while me and Julie started a 'Danny' chant and the rest of the team joined in. We all died down a little bit as Coach White was approached by the Palo Alto Coach. Julie and I nervously waiting to see what would happen, the team behind us. He chatted with the Palo Alto coaching staff before coming back over to us, smile on his face.

"McFarland Huh?" His wife said. Julie and looked to each other in shock,

"McFarland." He said back. Julie and I were the first to scream out in relief, Julie quickly left me hugged her dad to say 'thank you' and immediately ran back to hug me as the team cheered surrounding their Coach. The rest of the teams began to file out. Julie hadn't let go of me until Thomas came up and stood next to me his parents following behind him.

"Mom, dad, this is Julie, Coach Whites oldest daughter and her best friend, Cassie, they are our honorary teammates." He said as we both waved hi. His mom looked at him when he mentioned my name. "Oh and my sister Lola."

"Oh yeah we go way back." I said as Lola smiled. "Way back to like an hour and half ago." His dad was about to say something until we heard Damacio and Johnny come up from behind the two of us screaming,

"Thomas!" Julie pulled me a step closer to her as the two of them had found a cooler of water dumping it over their star runners shoulders. Out of everyone that was laughing I was the one by far laughing the hardest. The rest of the team surrounded us cheering and chanting.

"You deserve that you know Valles?" I said while we were surrounded by his screaming teammates.

"Oh come on when I did it to you it was funny." He laughed.

"No it was not? In what way was it funny." I said trying to hear him over the cheers.

"It was funny because I did it." He said as Coach White stepped up,

"Alright kids lets get on the bus and head back home the first round of tacos and tamales are on me!" He called. We all cheered and took of run towards the buses. We all took our normal seats, Julie and I in the front and Thomas right behind me. The bus ride home was as hyped up as you can imagine. Coach White drove us to the one restaurant open this late, the one that Julie and her family went to their first day here. We all pushed tables together so we could all sit together while Coach order a twenty piece taco and tamale platter for us to eat. One of the waitresses eventually turned the radio on. It was about the closet to typical 'high school party' any of us had probably gotten. Julie and I had taken a break from the party and sat outside the windows.

"You know how weird it is to say 'McFarland Cross Country, State Champions' out loud and know it's true." I said as Julie finished her slushee.

"It sounds incredible though." She said.

"That it does." I said. She stood up and said 

"I need another one of these, you want one?" She said holding her hand out for my cup. 

"Sure thanks Ju." I said handing her my cup. As she went to walk in, Thomas walked out.

"Hey champ." Julie said walking in flashing me a hopeful smile and I shot her a look as well. 

"Hey can I talk to you?" He said. I nodded and stood up, pulling my jacket back over my shoulder. 

"What's up?"

A/N IM GOING TO SAY IT NOW! IM SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE FOR SO LONG! I'm also sorry for ending it here but there is a reason for it I SWEAR! Thanks for all the support on this book! It means the world! Thank y'all for sticking around!


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