Chapter 8 - Run to the Sea

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[Cassies POV]

"What are you doing here?" Victor asked as I sat in the seat behind the drivers seat on the bus.

"You'll see." I said as Coach White closed the door. "You boys raced good today." I watched as they all smiled at me as Coach said quietly to me,

"Which way am I pulling out?"

"Left." I said back. 


We kept driving, until we got to the exit. I tapped Coach White on the shoulder and whispered,

"This exit Coach." He nodded as I settled back into my seat.

"Hey coach, you missed the turn," Johnny said after we made the turn and the rest of the team realized we weren't heading back to McFarland.

"That's right." Coach said as I smiled to my self and looked out the window.

"Okay what is going on?" Thomas asked after moving from his seat a few rows back to the seat behind mine. "Your obviously up to something. So what is it?"

"I'm not telling you" I said. 

"Oh come on." He pleaded. I shook my head. He sighed and went back to his seat towards the back. Coach kept driving till we pulled up to a ticket booth. The worker scanned our bus and said to Coach, 

"That'll be nine fifty." Coach leaned out the window and said quietly,

"Look I've got five bucks and seven kids back there who have never seen the ocean." The man looked back at the bus of kids as I stood up on my knees on my seat leaning out the window. He shook his head, telling me he had no intentions of letting us in. As Coach was about to ask again, I pulled a ten dollar bill from my back pocket and walked up coach's window, handing the man the bill. He looked at me then handed me fifty cents back. He nodded for us to keep driving. "Thank you." Coach said to me as I sat back down. Coach White parked the bus and before he told everyone to get off he said to me, "they are going to love it." I nodded.

"Trust me, I know they will." I said as I got of the bus first. The rest of the team followed and I watched each of their eyes widen at the long sandy beach leading to the ocean. When Coach got of the bus as we slowly made our way to the sand. Coach and I stood in front of them and I looked back at all them.

"Well go on. Get in there," Coach said. The boys looked at us in disbelief of where they were. "Oh and uh, don't forget to thank Cassie on your way by," they all immediately shifted their focus to me. "All of this was her idea." They all just stood there and stared at me until Thomas ran forward first, picking me up and hugging me sideways. They all began to crowd around me in a group hug. When he put me down and I was standing in the middle of all of them Thomas said,

"Thanks Cassie!" Then they all took of sprinting towards the ocean yelling and screaming, and occasionally I could make out another 'thank you Cassie!"

"Your welcome" I said to myself, surprised by their reactions. I kicked my shoes off and left them at the edge of the sand. Coach White stayed up by the bus but I sat on the table top of a picnic table not ten feet from the water. Just as I had thought, they loved it. A few of them left their shirts on the beach. And none of them seemed to care they were splashing saltwater into each others face. I know that used to annoy me. The sun started to go down as they had made their way to shallower water.

"You know you could of come in too?" Thomas said from the water. I smiled and shook my head.

"I'm good sitting up here thank you." I said sarcastically.

"Suit yourself." He said. I leaned back on my hands and Thomas came and sat on the ground in front of my table. 

"Hey." I said after he didn't say anything. He still didn't say anything. "What's up?"

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