Lucius Malfoy

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This imagine was requested by @Bastet_Nightmare
I hope you like the Imagine.

Lucius Malfoy x Reader

"Yeah Babe!!," I cheered from the Gryffindor stands in my Slytherin attire. That's right I'm dating a Slytherin. In fact I'm dating the platinum blonde hottie himself. Of course I got some glares from my fellow Gryffindors but I shrugged them off as always. It was a very close game, Slytherin believe it or not was trailing behind Gryffindor by just two points. Lucius was in an elbow match with the Gryffindor beater but I knew he was stronger than the wimp of a Gryffindor.

"Hey baby," I heard someone flirt. I ignored not thinking it was directed towards me. "Hey!," I'm talking to you. I turn my head my (y/h/c) blowing in the wind. "What?!," I snap. "Geez baby I only want to talk," the Gryffindor said.

"Hey Nelson keep it down we have a game going on," one of the guys said behind us. "Yeah Nelson, beat it," I said.

Little did (Y/N) know Lucius knuckles turned white upon gripping his broom angry with the sight playing out in front of him. If looks could kill Nelson would've been dead. But apparently that aggression led to the Slytherins winning the game.

"Heck yeah!," I screamed upon the game ending. The other Gryffindors sulking as they left the stands. Waiting until there was a clearing I just stood there excitement bubbling inside of me.


There was no one at this point and the field was clear. Walking down, the stairs the smile never left my face. I stood there looking around at where Lucy played. "Doll!," a familiar voice said. I turned around and say him. He looked so handsome with his wet hair and chiseled jawline. I ran not waiting another second. His hands hugged my waste as he spun me in the air. Once my feet hit the ground his lips were on mine. There was this sort of hunger to the kiss that I have never experienced with him before but I liked it. Once we parted my hands were still in his hair, I felt my lips getting swollen. "What was that about?," I panted. "You're mine," he said. I cocked my head in confusion not understanding what he was talking about.

"That knob jockey was over there flirting with my girl," Lucius said through gritted teeth motioning to the stands. I place my hand on his cheek and smirk. "I had it taken care of Babe," I say. Lucius scoffs and rolls his eyes. Moving out of my touch. My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach. "Fine! If you don't believe me that's on you," I say turning around on my toe.


I was sitting there poking at my food still upset about the fight I had with Lucius. "Hey baby," the familiar voice says. "Hey Nelson," I flirt turning around. As I turned around I saw Lucius out of the corner of my eye. I smirk. "Come sit with me," I flirt tugging on Nelson's sleeve. I heard silverware hitting a plate. I knew it was Lucius and I ignored it. Nelson and I kept flirting throughout dinner. I eventually got bored with our conversation that was falling flat and walked out of the Great Hall. "(Y/N) wait!," I heard. I was out the door when Nelson sprinted towards me. Then Lucius out of nowhere appeared and shoved him into the wall. His hands on the collar of Nelson's shirt. "You better back off Gryffindor!," Lucius states through gritted teeth. "And why should I do that," Nelson sasses. Lucius hesitate before he let go of Nelson and pulled his arm back. "Babe wait," I say running up to Lucius. "Wait?! She's your girl?," Nelson squeaks.
"Bloody right she's my girl," Lucius says venom lacing his voice causing shivers to go down my spine. To be honest, I liked this possessive side of Lucius. "I'm so sorry man," Nelson says, nervously patting Lucius' shoulder. Fixing his robes Nelson walked right back into the Great Hall like a dog with its tail between its legs.

"I would of done a lot worse if you weren't here," Lucy says taking my attention off of Nelson. "Babe I was just messing with you and I'm sorry," I say. "Oh don't 'babe' me," Lucius hisses causing me to flinch. "I am sorry," I state without fear. I stood my ground and eventually a shroud of guilt panned across Lucius' face. "We need to make sure this never happens again," he says. With that being said he gently pushes me to the wall and attacks my lips. I love this side of you," I say into the kiss. "I know."

A/N: It feels good to be back guys. I hope you enjoyed this imagine. I will gradually start to writing requests again. I'll start with those who requested a while back and slowly get to the newer requests. Thanks for being patient with me guys! :)

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