Remus Lupin

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This imagine was requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva . I'm not taking requests at the moment but hers was an old one. See my authors note at the bottom of this chapter for a detailed update.

Remus Lupin x Reader

"Her beautiful (Y/E/C) took my breath away, they complimented her outfit perfectly" was what Remus thought when (Y/N) was sitting in front of him at the Three Broomsticks. The couple was celebrating there one year anniversary. The moonlight cast a beautiful glow on half of (Y/N)'s face as she was looking out the window. They were done with their meal and were just talking about random things when (Y/N) obviously got sidetracked. "The moon is so beautiful Rem, wouldn't you say so?," she asked causing Remus to follow her line of sight. Remus felt as if a rock sunk to the bottom of his stomach as soon as he realized that the moon was in fact full.

Remus takes (Y/N)'s delicate hands into his and looked into her eyes. "Love, if have to go," he said leaving (Y/N) speechless. Remus swiftly gets up, grabs his coat and walked out the door causing the cold draft to send shivers down (Y/N)'s spine. The girl furrowed her brows in confusion and bit her lower lip trying to decipher the event that panned out in front of her. Thankfully Remus already paid for the check long before he abandoned her.

After some time (Y/N) managed to get her coat on and leave the Three Broomsticks. She was still in a daze as she walked back to Hogwarts. She was trying to figure out what she did wrong to cause Remus to leave or what provoked him to leave her so suddenly. (Y/N) was knocked out of her daze when she heard a howl in the distance which caused her to shudder and pull her coat closer to her to protect her from the cold. "Maybe its just the wind" she thought and hastened her walk back to school.

As she waited on the moving staircase she sucked her bottom lip trying to think of any signs from the past that would provoke Remus from leaving her so suddenly. Mumbling the password the Fat Lady let her enter the Gryffindor common room. A yawn escaped the Gryffindor's lips as she took notice of the time. Scurrying up to bed she soon found herself under the warmth of her bed sheets.


"Yeah I was hoping we can meet in the library around 3 o'clock today." "Yes that would work," (Y/N) stated as she walked out her Charms class with a fellow classmate. A boy with raven colored hair and another with brown curly hair came running past her nearly running right into her. A short and stubby boy came running a few paces behind them. "Great I-," her classmate said before (Y/N) cut her off. "I'm so sorry but I really must go," she said running after the boys. "I'll see you at 3 o'clock!"  (Y/N) shouted still running after the boys.

It was after a few lefts and a couple rights before (Y/N) arrived at the Hospital Wing, carefully following at a distance from the Marauders. The boys walk in and (Y/N) finds a hiding spot behind a curtain divider between one of the beds. "We're so happy your feeling better Moony," James pants catching his breath. "Yeah mate, I picked up some of the work yo—ouch," Sirius said. "Wormtail picked up the work you missed," he corrects. (Y/N) notices Peter nod his head in approval causing her to laugh. She quickly covered her mouth but it was too late, the boys were looking around and James' eyes land on a half hidden (Y/N). "(Y/N) you can come out now," he says causing the girls name to be mumbled in confusion by the boys. (Y/N) sighs and comes out of her hiding spot seeing Remus' condition for the first time.

"Remmy what happened?," (Y/N) asks taking her boyfriends hand into hers. Remus sighs and looks between the Marauders who in exchange give him a look. Remus looks at the love his life and says, "(Y/N) for the longest time I wanted to tell you this but I didn't want it to change how you thought or looked at me. Love I'm a werewolf." There was silence after the words left his mouth. The Marauders secretly held their breaths and crossed their fingers. She had an unreadable expression on her face but Remus knew the gears were turning trying to figure out how to respond.

"I'm just mad you waited so long to tell me," (Y/N) said with a giggle bringing her face closer to Remus'. "Love I'm dangerous, I can kill you without knowing," Remus says. "If you're trying to get me to leave, it's not working Remus. I love you and nothing you can say will change that," (Y/N) said resting her forehead against his. Their breaths mixed and Remus smiled, he was so relieved that the person he loved fully accepted him. "I love you too," Remus said before kissing (Y/N). Remus sat up and (Y/N) wrapped one arm around his neck and the other on his bare chest. Remus winced causing (Y/N) to pull away Remus looked down at one of his deep wounds on his chest. (Y/N) followed his gaze and gasped when she say her hand right in the middle of his scratch. "We'll give you us some alone time," Sirius said with a wink before leaving with Peter and James following behind him. James sent Remus a wink before leaving causing Remus to roll his eyes. "What?," (Y/N) quizzed as she moved to sit next to Remus in his hospital bed. "Oh nothing," Remus said. (Y/N) was about to lean in again but Remus leaned back causing the girl to frown. "Wait, I just wanted to say something. I just wanted to thank you for accepting me for who I am," he said. "Remmy you don't need to thank me I love you," (Y/N) said as she nuzzled into Remus' side closing her eyes. Remus sighs and smiles as he rests his head on top of the girl's who truly excepted him for who he was.


A/N: @JulzLovDraco4Eva I hope you liked your request. I know it took me a while but I'm glad I was finally able to post it. I have so many ideas for imagines. I've been extremely busy with other obligations but hopefully I'll be able to post more imagines in a few more weeks. Thank you for your patience.

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