Sirius Black

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This imagine was requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva . I hope you enjoy it. I hope you don't mind that I tweaked some things. :)

Sirius Black x Reader

Lily and (Y/N) Evans were welcomed at the Potter household with open arms. Euphemia Potter welcomed them both with a warm embrace bringing them out of the elements of the cold winter. "Oh come on in girls, the hot cocoa is almost finished," she said. The girls walk into the foyer of the house. "Ah Lily flower let me help you with your coat," James says coming out of nowhere. (Y/N) places her jacket and scarf on the coat rack and walks into the parlor which was well light by the fire and an additional lamp.

Remus who was reading a book looked up at me. "Happy Christmas (Y/N)," he said getting up from the arm chair. We embrace and the scent of chocolate and pine fills my nose. Once we break away, he sits back down in the chair and I take a seat on the couch. "So how is your winter break?," he asks leaning forward in the chair.


The cold feeling was now gone and was replaced by a warm sensation of a mug of hot cocoa against my finger tips. I sigh contently as I look around at our little friend group, everyone was conversing about Merlin knows what, the fire amplifying their beaming faces. But it didn't feel complete, my long time crush and best friend Sirius wasn't the same. All I wanted to do is talk about our favorite band and laugh my arse off with him. But he wasn't here. I hope he's okay, he's been going through the ringer with his obsessed with purity family.

All of a sudden the doorbell rings. James gets up to get it and once he opens the door he gasps but instantly smiles then frowns. "Pads you alright?," James says concerned. My face lights up as I hear Sirius' nickname. "Mother!," James shouts just as Sirius falls into James arms. "Sirius!," I yell standing up in one swift motion and start towards the two Marauders. Peter blocks my path, I was agitated in the moment. "Out of my way Pettigrew," I sneered moving his arm out of my way. He lifts his hand in defense but I ignore him.


"Will he be alright Mrs Potter?," I asked. The group was now in a guest room watching an injured Sirius. "Alright here we are," Mr Potter said trying to diffuse the tension by bringing Sirius' bags. "He should be dear, I did everything I could using what I had. If he's not feeling better by tomorrow I'll take him to St Mungo's for further examination," Mrs Potter says with a hopeful smile. Shortly after, everyone leaves to help Mrs Potter with dinner as for me I stayed behind to watch over my best friend.
"Please wake up Sirius," I whisper gently taking his hand. His left temple was caked with blood that already started to scab due to the ointment Mrs Potter applied. If Walburga did this to him she was blind for not being able to see what I saw in Sirius, the comedic, reliable and comforting best friend. "I love you," I whisper before kissing his knuckle. He groans and turns his head to the sound of my voice. My eyes were the met with his beautiful brown orbs.

"Did you mean it?," he asks. "Did I mean what?," I reply. "That you love me?," he pursued. "With every ounce of my being," I said matter of fact with a smile. "Good because I mean this," he said. I looked at him quizzically but then his face got closer to mine. I just stayed put and once he was inches away from my face I closed my eyes. I felt his warm lips on mine, they were smooth, and I instantly melted into the kiss.

"Bloody hell." Sirius an I broke away from the kiss, I pouted and Sirius just chuckled. We both look toward the direction of James voice and see he was in the doorway. "Don't be all surprised Jamie. We all knew they liked each other for ages," Lily said gently smacking James' shoulder. "But not all of us," Remus said with a chuckle referring to James cluelessness. I laughed and leaned my head into Sirius chest in the process. "We came to tell (Y/N/N) that dinner was ready but we see you two are clearly busy," Lily sasses. "We'll be down in a second," Sirius answers for the both of us. "Brilliant," James says. Remus ushers the group down stairs because they wouldn't of gave us privacy otherwise.

"So-," I say. "So-," Sirius repeats. "I want to take things slow but I'm certain about one thing," Sirius says. "And what's that," I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "I want you to be my girlfriend," Sirius bluntly stated. "I'm not opposed to that," I reply. Sirius gives me a short but sweet peck on the lips. "Alright, shall we," Sirius says getting out of bed. He then extends his hand like Aladdin did to Jasmine before their magic carpet ride (I know the years don't line up accurately—just go with it). "We shall," I say taking his hand, he helps me stand and we head to dinner hand in hand. As we ate our hands stayed together subtly under the table.

A/N: As posted on my timeline I'm going on a hiatus for a few weeks. I'll still be thinking of ideas for imagines. See you soon! :D

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