A New Life

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After finding out about the new baby I went into a meltdown. I couldn't handle the boys anymore and sent them with my dad. I started throwing up alot. I missed my period. I just threw it off my shoulders. My dad took custody of the boys. Km stop seeing serenity. I didn't even text him though because I was mad he was having another baby. I end up going to the doctor because it is going up and I was worried because I never came on my period. The doctor told me that I was pregnant with another baby he also told me that was months along and that I couldn't get an abortion. I texted km that day. I told him well guess what I guess you have two babies on the way cuz I'm pregnant too. my doctor had told me was a boy. I was so mad didn't celebrate. I was scared I didn't know what to do so I went to see my mom in the same house I grew up in. I told her I was pregnant again and I dunno what to do. told her I was scared I wanted her advice cuz she was only person I ran to when I was pregnant the first time. She gave me advice and then gave me a hug she told me everything will be ok. do that pregnancy I started to see my mom a lot more because for some reason I just wanted to be near her. Km tried to see me but I told no. I felt so hurt. I told him my baby was a boy. He told me he wanted to come home with his family I told him no. He tried so hard but I pushed him away. After that serenity turned 2. The month after her birthday I had my son. I named him markell. Soon after that I turned 18. Km was at markell birth but left shortly after because his other girl was having her baby boy. Her baby was born the day after myn. Marvell came out tall. And soon was taller then serenity. I soon realized my kids had the best things about km they both loved him. Km other babymomma moved to Kentucky. We decided together that no matter what our kids will be in eachother lifes. I travel and visit her and we take turns having the kids to ourself. Km visits the kids from time to time. I end up getting laid off my babysitting job and getting the boys back in my custody they still think I'm there mom. They kept asking about km calling him daddy and he asks about them calling them his sons. I finished high school high school and started doing community college for nursing right away excited about getting a career.

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