🌸🥀 - Mafia Bosses Aren't All Bad.

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🌸🥀 - A bit of fluff at the end, kind of, and angst at the beginning if homelessness counts
                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Y/n) had been homeless for as long as they could remember.

They had been begging for food and money for many years, but they had been shoved away or even hurt in the process. One fortunate day, they spotted a skeleton monster walking down the street. They started to walk to him, but they took a closer look at him before getting too close.

He was wearing black jacket with a brilliant red vest underneath. He wore a black pair of dress pants along with leather dress shoes and a midnight black fedora.

A realization crossed their mind; he was a mafia boss. 

(Y/n) softly gasped and got to their cardboard box, starting to hyperventilate. Memories flashed before their eyes. They looked back at him wearily, but to their horror, he was looking right at them with a glazed, annoyed look in his eye sockets. 

(Y/n) shrieked and hid again, not daring to look again. They waited a few hours before looking once again, and immediately recoiled when they realized that he was currently standing over them, staring down at them with a menacing look in his eye sockets. "Uh... d-do you need anything...?" "NO. YOU'RE COMING WITH ME." (Y/n)'s eyes grew wide in terror as the skeleton grabbed their wrist and started to drag them along. 

Oddly enough, the fear faded into something else. 

They felt comfortable.

 "STRUGGLING IS FUTILE. YOU HAD BETTER JUST LET THIS HAPPEN." (Y/n) just shrugged. "Okay." After a while, the two had reached a house which was two stories tall. The skeleton threw (Y/n) into a shed that was oddly cold. "STAY PUT." The skeleton commanded before locking them inside. 

(Y/n) curled up, shivering, and waited. Eventually, they passed out from the cold. The last thing they heard before they passed out was footsteps and someone speaking. When they awoke, they were greeted by warmth. 

They cautiously sat up, looking around, when a bowl was shoved into their hands. "EAT." (Y/n) looked at the contents of the bowl. It appeared to be a soup of some sort. "Uh... thanks..." "NO PROBLEM."

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