Part 2

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I knelt down, staring him in the eyes, once again ignoring the flinch as I laid my hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to look through your memories and you're going to let me," I told him.

Harry's POV

I froze. My mind whirling with what I just heard. "W-what do you mean?" I asked, trying to back away from him. With strength I wasn't aware I had, I wrenched myself out of Voldemort's grip and ran to the door, throwing open I bolted out of the next room that seemed to be another bedroom, realizing that this door was open as well I raced out until I found another door and ran through it slamming it behind me I ran as far as I could until I reached a dead end. I started backing up until something hit my back.

Voldemort's POV

I sighed as he ran out, I can't say I didn't expect it but it was a pain because now I had to get him. I let my magic connect to the wards of the Manor and search for him, feeling his magic a little way away I shadow step- one of my vampire abilities- a couple of feet behind him. Quietly watching as he backed away from what looked like a dead end but was actually a secret room. I watched as he bumped into me his head barely reaching my chest and froze before turning around. I let a smirk slip onto my face.

"Where do you think your going little sub," I say. I see his eye flitting around trying to find a way out. "You do realize you are in my house, don't you. I know where you are at all times and I am fully capable of confinement you to a room. I didn't think I would have to but now I think I do." I say watching with sadistic glee as he starts quivering. I stride over, reaching him faster thanks to my vampire inheritance. Holding his hands behind him I lean over and put my mouth by his ear. "Your mine now and don't forget it. Understood?" I whisper. I hear him give a slight whimper and a head nod. "What have I told you about that." I ask straightening up.

"To use my words." He managed to get out.

"Then use them, do you understand." I ask, getting slightly irritated.

"Yes" came the small voice.

"Now we are going back to your room and you will stay in there as I go over the rules, and of course you will be punished for running and not following my earlier directions" I see him take a breath like he was going to argue. "Would you like me to add another punishment to the list?" His mouth shuts and he looks at the floor. "Now," I said conquering up a pair of manacles and a chain, "let's go." The walk back was a silent one with only the clinking of chains to fill the silence. As we entered his room I magically lock the door and turn to face him. "Now where were we" I turn to look at him. "First let's get rid of those nasty glamor's." He shakes his head and starts tugging on the chains.

"No! I won't let you" He shouts, slightly hysterical.

" Who said anything about letting me." I stated with a cruel smile as I used my magic to bind the boy to that wall as I started to slowly peel back the glamor. Watching in fascination as his ears and tail popped into existence. As I looked closer I notices the faint white lines across his body.

"Potter, what are these?"

"Nothing." I got the timid answer.

"That's it!" I roughly grab his chin forcing him to look at me. I see a flash of fear in his Emarald eyes. "I'm going through your memories and I'm doing it now. Any resistance and I wil double your punishment later. Understood." I growl out. Once I hear the whispered yes sir I dive in.

Harry's POV

Here I was the great Harry Potter bound to the wall with my greatest enemy learning all my secrets great, just great. I saw my memories flashing through my head. The time my Aunt hit me with a frying pan, Dudley's 11th birthday trip to the zoo, all the way through first year, second year, gaining my creature inheritance, finding out Dumb-as-a-door's lies and manipulations, and all the way up until now.

"Dumb-as-a-door, that's new." Voldemort said, "and we will be talking about the Dursley's later little one."

I gulped, what was he going to do with them, help them torture me, send me back? I doubt he would help me.

"Now time for your punishment," I swear I heard sadistic glee in his voice.

A/N Most of these are in Voldemort POV bc it's easier to write at 3 in the morning. Peace out Chancelings;)

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