Part 3

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AN: Sorry this took so long but I got Covid so I couldn't write. But here's your update!


I gulped, what was he going to do with them, help them torture me, send me back? I doubt he would help me.

"Now time for your punishment," I swear I heard sadistic glee in his voice.

Voldemort's POV

I looked at Harry Potter as I thought about what I learned, I knew what it was like to be in his position with the Dursleys. The problem is I still need to punish him so what do I do? I could spank him, lock him in a cell, have him write lines. One thing I do know for sure is that he's not going back to the Dursleys, ever. No child deserves that especially not a sub, I decide that he shall write lines. Using my wand I conjure up a parchment, quill, and ink. Walking over to the desk I set them down, I can feel Potter watching me fearfully but pay no mind. Walking back over to him I release him from the wall, catching him by the arm, dragging him over to the desk I make him sit down.

"Wha-Whats this?" I hear his small timid voice ask.

"Your punishment," I reply curtly. You're going to write, I will not run away 50 times or until I say stop. It's going to be neat and legible or you're going to redo it. Understood?"

I see his stunned expression, he must have thought I was going to torture him. "Harry, I wait until I see he's focused on me, What did you think I was going to do? I hear him mumble a reply. I cleared my throat and gave him a look.

"Torture me." He repeated.

"Now why would I do that?" I asked him.

"B-Because your Voldemort and you're supposed to be evil and just Crucio people and you want to kill Muggleborns and other Muggles because you hate them, and you hate me!" He said his voice gradually getting higher until he was practically shouting at me, but his voice held a constant confusion to it with a hint of desperation.

"Ah, so that's the problem. Well, my dear Horcrux those are stories and exaggerations that Dumbledore, or as you like to call him, Dumb-as-a-door made up to make me look like the bad guy. How about this, you finish your lines, and then we will take more okay?" I asked with a touch of softness in my tone.

"Okay." He answered sitting down in the chair and getting to work.

I levitated my chair closer to the desk and summoned my book, I made it look like I was reading but in reality, I was thinking about my next moves, I needed to get Barty out of Hogwarts and get the others out of Azkaban. I thought about Potter next, I decided to get him to rely solely on me for now and try to convert him to the dark side, besides if my suspicions are true then it won't be that hard, maybe in the future he will become my heir but we will see. I summon Lippy my house elf and tell her to bring me a goblet of blood, I see Potters flinch and feel fear with a hit of curiosity coming from the bond. I see his quill freeze, "Get back to work little one." I tell him, he flinches again but does as he's told. 30 minutes later I hear him set the quill down and shake his wrist with a groan, slumping back in his chair. "Are you done?" I ask him.

"Yes sir" He responds.

"Good bring it here," I tell him.

He stands up and walks over timidly keeping his head bowed he hands me the parchment. I read it over, seeing the neat lines and words that he obviously spent a lot of time on. "Good boy, Now did you learn your lesson?" I questioned him.

"Yes sir." Came the ever so quiet reply.

"Good now follow me," I say standing up and walking towards his bedroom door. Unlocking it with my wand I put a pair of magic dampening cuffs on his wrists and conjure up another chain this one smaller but still strong, I can feel him tense under my hands as I attach the chain to the cuffs. "This is just a safety precaution, can't have you running again, can we? Besides once you show me that you can be good you won't have to wear them, doesn't that sound nice?" I see him nod a glimmer of determination in his eyes, I scan his surface thoughts to find that he was determined to be good, to make me proud of him. But I also saw his confusion of why he wanted me to be proud of him. I leave his mind and turn towards the door, opening it I can see Potter out of the corner of my eye looking around with interest as I lead him through my room and into the hall. I keep an eye on him noticing his eyes widen in awe at the Manor. As we reach my study I once again lock the door behind us. Turning towards him I take the chain and cuffs off, watching as he rubs his wrists absentmindedly as he looks around the room. "Like what you see?" I ask.

"It's so big," He says with a hint of awe in his voice.

"Indeed it is. Now down to business." I say in a stern voice. "Come sit" As I take my seat behind the desk Potter sits on the chair across from me, I can tell he's nervous by how he sits on the edge of his seat, practically shaking, and stares at the desk. "Now Harry we're going to do a couple of things, first we are going to go over the rules, next we are going to talk about Dumbledore and my real goals, then you are going to tell me about the Dursleys, and finally we are going to do a spell that will bring all your school and personal belongings to us. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Comes the response.

"Good, now for the rules.

Rule #1 You listen to me at all times.

Rule #2 You will work on the assignments I give you.

Rule #3 When spoken to I expect an audible verbal response.

Rule #4 You will eat what I tell you to, take your required potions, and be on time for meals.

Rule #5 you are to always tell me when something is wrong.

Rule #6 No attempts to contact anyone until I say so.

Rule #7 you are to take a shower or bath at least once a day and always wear clean presentable clothes.

Rule #8 Always tell me the truth you won't like what happens if you don't.

Rule #9 you are to stay in your room unless I summon you or come to get you.

Rule #10 Do not mouth off to me and always be respectful to me.

Do you think you can do that?" I ask him

"Yes sir." Comes the response.

"Good now let's go eat dinner."

AN: Okay Chancelings I need some more house-elf names so if you guys could comment some that would be great! Remember most things will be in Voldemort's pov because its easier for me to write. Also, most updates will be slow because I do this thing where I'll be really inspired to write and then have writer's block for a couple of weeks. I also tend to forget about this so don't be afraid to tell me to update. Don't be shy about anything you want to see or any grammar/spelling things I need to fix, I don't mind them. Peace out Chancelings!

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