Part 4

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"Yes sir." Comes the response.

"Good now let's go eat dinner."

Harry Potter POV

After dinner I laid in my bed wide awake, I didn't know what to think, I was told that Voldemort hated Muggleborns and Muggles, that he tortures people who even looked at him the wrong way, but I did much worse and all he made me do was write lines. I don't get it. Why is he being so, dare I say, nice to me? My thoughts wandered to my friends, I wanted to contact them, I really do but I don't want to know what the punishment would be. He might torture me or lock me up like the Dursley, or what if he just kills me, I don't want to die. All of a sudden I could feel my breathing speed up and start to come in short quick bursts. I think I'm having a Panic attack! I don't know what to do I can't breathe!

Voldemort's POV

I awoke to a feeling of overwhelming panic coming from my bond with Harry. I quickly hopped up and rushed to his door unlocking it with my magical signature I swung it open. I looked around for intruders and that's when I saw him. Harry was curled up on the bed with his tail wrapped around his waist and his ears pinned back, his eyes blown wide open with fear. He was having a panic attack. I quickly crossed the room to where he was and kneeled down on the bed next to him, I rubbed his back. I sat next to him on the bed and pulled him into my lap putting his ear against my chest.

"Harry I want you to copy my breathing can you do that for me, that's it in and out, in and out. Good boy Harry, good boy." I could feel his breaths return to normal so I shifted him so that he was still in my lap but where I could fully see his face. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" I asked quietly as to not startle him further. He seemed to realize that he was in my lap because he tried to scramble off. I held him tight.

"No, no, no, no." He started to whisper it like a chant. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Harry, calm down, you did nothing wrong," I told him in a quiet comforting whisper.

"B-But I'm I your lap and you the Dark Lord and you're probably gonna torture me or send me back to the Dursley's and I don't wanna go back" He rambled his breathing speeding up again so I knew I needed to put a stop to it.

"Harry. You are in my lap because I put you there. Are you questioning my decisions?" That shut him up. Of course, it was a little mean but let's be honest I'm the Dark Lord, I don't know how to comfort people, especially not an abused submissive whose supposedly my worst enemy. "Well?"

"No sir"

"I didn't think so. Now are you going to answer my questions tomorrow or do you want to do it now?

"T-tomorrow please sir."

"Fine now be a good boy and sleep do you understand? I will come and wake you up tomorrow morning if you wake up before I come to get you you are to read this book, understood?" I tell him.

"Yes sir."

"Good now lay down." I watched as he scrambled out of my lap and laid on the bed under the covers, after discreetly casting a Monitoring charm on him and walking out of the room, locking the door behind me, and keying it into my magical signature. I crawled back under the silk sheets and fell back to sleep.

~Time Skip Named Steve~

Voldemort's POV

I woke up around 8 the next morning, after showering and getting dressed I walked over to Harry's door and slowly opened it, Potter was already up and reading the book I had set out for him. "Well look who's up," I said. He flinched at the sound of my voice, not expecting it. "Your such a good boy. Come here now little one it is time for dinner." I conjured a collar and leash, he eyed them mistrustfully and asked.

"What are those?"

"Your new collar, it has runes engraved that make it so you can't leave the grounds and the leash is so I can keep you near me. Unless of course, you want to go back to the cuffs and chain because I can do that too."

"N-no I'll use the collar."

"I thought so now come here" He walked over timidly, feet dragging. I grabbed his shoulders and turned him around, snapping the collar on. I let an evil grin take over my face as I grabbed the collar and pulled him back, snaking an arm around his waist. I felt him shiver as I let out an evil chuckle and said. "Did you really think that was it because it wasn't see, there is a rune on there that makes it so only I can take it off and I can track your every movement, freeze you or even enter your mind without looking at you? Admittedly only passing thoughts but it does the job." I felt him try to pull away so I gripped him tighter to the point he was flush against my chest. "Anything to say my pet"

"I'm not your pet and get this thing off me!"

"No, I don't want to. Besides, if you keep it on you'll make me very proud. Wouldn't you like that?"

He lets out a slight purr quiet enough to where a normal human can't hear but with my vampire inheritance I can. I brush my fangs across his neck using his hair to pull his head to the side to give me more room. I feel him shiver again. "Now be good unless you want another punishment we have things to go over that I didn't get to last night as well as what your panic attack was for last night." I clipped his leash on and headed out the door feeling satisfied that my plan was working. Besides, I have my suspicions that he is my mate and the sooner he learns that he only obeys me the better. The Dursleys will suffer unimaginable tortures for what they put my mate through. After all, I'm a very possessive person.

AN: Hey Chancelings! So Voldie finally figured it out. If you couldn't tell Harry is a submissive Neko and Voldie is his Dominate mate. This is my first time writing a fanfic so a helpful comment on how to write this type of thing helps. I'm going to make it so Harry always has a bit of underlying fear of Voldie but that will be more his instincts telling him not to make his dominant mad at him. I don't have much of an outline I'm just kinda going with the flow of my brain so if you find plot holes, grammar mistakes etcetera please let me know. I'll do my best to respond to comments and get out updates but I'm not perfect. Don't be afraid to give suggestions but please be mindful that you are not mean or homophobic in the comments. Thank you! Peace out Chancelings!!

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