Part 6

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I clipped his leash on and headed out the door feeling satisfied that my plan was working. Besides, I have my suspicions that he is my mate and the sooner he learns that he only obeys me the better. The Dursleys will suffer unimaginable tortures for what they put my mate through. After all, I'm a very possessive person.

Harry's POV

I hate this. It's so humiliating. I have a collar around my neck and a leash, but something was off. I want to make him proud but I don't know why, and the way I felt when his fangs ran across my neck it should have been scary. I should have been scared but for some reason, it felt good. This is so confusing, I'm supposed to hate him, he's supposed to hate me. We're worst enemies for Merlin's sake, I killed him when I was a baby! Throughout my inner confusion, I didn't notice when we got to his office, or as he locked the door. I snapped out of it when he unclipped the leash, his hand lingering by my neck. I watched him warily as he walked around the desk and sat down, gesturing for me to do the same. So I did, I perched on the edge of the chair. He leaned back in his chair as a smirk settled on his face.

"Your thoughts are very loud you know." He started

I flushed with embarrassment and then anger. I shot up out of my seat shouting, "It's not my fault it's yours for putting this stupid collar on me, and you kidnapped me! You killed Cedric and my parents! Not to mention you tried to kill me with that stupid Quirrelmort thing and that stupid diary and basilisk, and then with the stupid tournament which I don't know how but I know you entered me! Not to mention at the graveyard you called me a Horcrux! I don't even know what that is!" I could feel my magic acting up and at some point, I had started pacing behind my chair but I didn't care. "And then you give me a room! A room! Connected to yours and everything! I don't get it! We're supposed to be worst enemies but you acting nice to me! You're supposed to hate me! You should be torturing me right now or sending me back to the Dursleys! Last night you came and comforted me! Me! Not to mention the day I woke up and today you said I was yours! I'm not your pet! I'm my own person! And I want to contact my friends! I don't even know why but I want to make you proud of me! And..." I trailed off when I noticed his thunderous expression. I thought back to what I had just done and felt the blood drain from my face. I'm so dead.

Voldemort's POV

I watched as he paled slowly taking steps back. I shadow stepped in front of him. Watching as he froze. I backed him into a wall quickly pinning him there with his arms above his head. I felt him struggle weakly against me but a quick glare froze him, his tail was between his legs and his ears flat against his head. I felt my fangs come out and I saw his eyes zero in on them.

"You overstepped your bounds again pet. You are mine and the sooner you learn that the better. Understood?"

"I'm n-not your p-pet."

"Your just itching for punishment aren't you. Well, I can work with that. You said you should be in a cell correct well then I've got something special planned for you, and because I don't want to listen to your voice I've got something for you, I wandlessly accioed a transfigured gag and quickly flipped him around pining him using my body as I tied the gag on." I let out an evil chuckle as I said, "this is so much better isn't it?" I heard a whimper. "Well, I certainly think so." I leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "Who's a good pet, you are. Your my good little pet. But you need to be punished, don't you? I dare say you do. Well, we can do that after our talk." I drag him back over to the desk this time sitting him on the chair, and with a muttered "incarserus" I bound him there. I walked behind him seeing him stiffen and said, "I'm going to take the gag off now and you're going to be quiet and listen. Understood?" He nodded, his ears still pined but slowly relaxing. I took off the gag and trailed my finger across his neck, be good okay?" I could feel his shiver under my touch and as I walked back around I lightly brushed my hand over his ears hearing a little whimper. I walked around my desk and sat down leaning back in my chair and steepling my fingers. "Now my goals are quite different than what the media and Dumbledore portray. I want to integrate Muggleborns into the magical world as soon as their first sign of accidental magic, the parents would have their memories altered and the child replaced with a muggle child from an orphanage. After that, the Magical child will be taken to an orphanage where they will be adopted. It will prevent abuse and magical children will be required to get a full scan at ages 1,3,6,9 and at the beginning of every year in Hogwarts. We will have our Magic lessons later and I hope you are aware a golem was left of you at the graveyard so no one knows your gone." I looked at the time, seeing it was around lunchtime I had my house elf Twinkie bring us lunch. After it arrived I looked at Harry and said, "Will I have to feed you so you don't run away or can I untie your hands and have you eat like a big kid?"

"I can eat by myself." He said sharply.

I gave him a warning glare. "I-I mean, I can eat by myself, sir." He restated a lot more politely this time and with his head bowed.

"Good," I muttered a quick counter curse on his hands and watched him closely as he ate making sure he didn't try to escape. Once we were done eating I decided to leave his arms and hand untied to see what he would do. "Now onto the Dursleys and note that if I find the need or have a suspicion your lying I will use veritaserum. So keep that in mind and answer honestly. Now, what did they do to you?"

"T-the earliest memory I have is of crying alone in my cupboard, wanting my mother. They only took me out when they couldn't ignore the stench. At age 3 I taught myself how to walk, talk, and do chores. Around age 4 when I could reach the stove, They had me start cooking. I got really good at judging how long something needed to cook for and when to take it off. If I ever burnt something I would get a beating. Around age 7 I started to do the outside chores too and took care of the garden. The garden was the only thing I liked so I pretended to hate it so they would make me do it more. When my Hogwarts letter came is when stuff got worse, we moved to a little shack in the middle of the ocean because of the letters, that's when Hagrid came. After the first year, I was moved to Dudley's second bedroom with 7 locks and a little cat flap on the door for them to give me food, I sent Hedwig to live with Ron so she didn't get hurt every summer. After 3rd year I was able to threaten them with Sirius Black, my godfather so they mostly left me alone. Then this year started and you know what happened this year." He finished I thought about what I was going to do but I felt I had to make something clear.

"What I can say right now is that you are never going back to the Dursleys, in fact, they will have found themselves to earn an all-expenses-paid vacation to my dungeons.

Hey Chancelings! So Voldie finally found out about What the Dursleys did to Harry. I also have no idea how to write this kind of thing so sorry if it's bad. My mom's Birthday is tomorrow tho so I got her a present! Anyway, Have a great day and if anyone has a funny Hp meme or just something interesting I can put it in the media section send it over!

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