Ch. 1 Karaoke Sad Boi Hours

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Hey, everybody! This story takes place after the beach scene in the last chapter of my story Worst Boss Ever. It is a different girl since the y/n from that one is happily married now :)

It's totally okay if you haven't read that one though, since this first chapter will get you caught up. This fic does not at all follow the My Hero manga/anime and all characters are in their early to mid twenties, all of them successful heroes living the dream. Enjoy!

Hawks leaned his head into the palm of his hand and watched that goofy idiot Chargebolt on the stage as he belted out whatever song this was.

Everyone around him was laughing, happy to be out celebrating the newlywed tonight, the guys out for a drink together in a kind of make-shift post-wedding bachelor party of sorts. 

Hawks was happy for Bakugo, truthfully. He was. He was. He was happy that his friend – although Hawks knew Bakugo would never admit to that term – had gotten married.

It just sucked that Bakugo married the girl that he loved.

Loved. Past tense.

Hawks wasn't in love with her anymore. He wasn't.

Who needed love? Not him, that's for sure he thought as he watched people dance and sing along to the karaoke. Not Hawks, nope, not him. Who needs love when he could have any girl he wanted, at any time, including tonight. Yeah, even tonight.

Any girl except her.


Tonight was about celebrating Bakugo's surprise wedding since he and his wife (Hawks flinched at the word) had gotten married in secret a few months ago.

Not that Hawks was jealous. He wasn't.

Everyone in the karaoke bar seemed to know the lyrics to the song that Chargebolt was screaming into the microphone. Well, everyone except him. This wasn't anything surprising; Hawks didn't have time to keep up with current music, he was too busy working, like always.

He took a long drink of the beer in front of him.

Work. That was the problem. If it wasn't for his commitment to his job, maybe everything would have been different. If he had a different job, he never would have spied on Dabi and the League. He never would have told Dabi about her, and she never would have met Dabi either.

Dabi and the League hadn't been heard from in the months since Bakugo got married, and Hawks hoped it stayed that way.

Hawks stared at the table a few feet from him, watching that lucky blonde bastard who looked so smug sitting there with his stupid beer and stupid shirt. He tried to ignore the small ring tattooed on Bakugo's left hand but felt his eyes drawn to it. It was stupid, too, he decided.

"Are you okay?" A voice next to him brought him out of his pity party and back to reality. Midoriya took the seat next to Hawks at the table and was staring at him with concern.

"Is it that obvious?"

Midoriya grimaced. "Yeah."


"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

Not that that ever stopped Midoriya from meddling in someone else's business.

"I obviously don't know everything that happened... that night," Midoriya said. "Or whatever went down between you and... her... in the past. But – "

Hawks put a hand up to stop him from talking. "You don't have to do this, Izuku."

"No, I know but I want to. You're a good guy, Hawks. Good things are going to come your way, I just know it. Probably when you least expect it."

At least someone was optimistic tonight. But the last thing Hawks needed right now was for Midoriya to feel bad for him. Tonight they were supposed to be having fun and celebrating.

The song ended and the room erupted with cheers and applause. Kaminari was bowing to the audience and asking if they wanted an encore. Of course they did, and soon everyone was singing along again, their voices thankfully drowning out Hawks' thoughts.

Midoriya suddenly stood up. "We're doing shots," he proclaimed. He clapped Hawks on the shoulder. "We're doing shots," he repeated.  "And I'm buying."

"We? Wait – what?" Hawks choked as Midoriya pulled him up by the back of his shirt, dragging him behind him as he marched toward the bar. When did this guy get so strong? Reluctantly he let himself be pulled along to the end of the long bar, away from everyone else.

It wasn't long before Bakugo and Kirishima came up to the bar a few seats away. Bakugo leaned back against the wooden bar and watched the room while Kirishima ordered more drinks.

"Can I go home now?"

Kirishima smiled and lightly punched him in the shoulder. "Just because you're a newlywed doesn't mean you can't hang out with the guys still."

"It's exactly because I'm a newlywed that I want to go home. You would too if you had her hot little body waiting on you."

At Bakugo's words, Hawks dropped his head down on the bar in defeat, face first with a thunk, causing the other two to look their way.

Suddenly Midoriya cleared his throat.

"Oh, hey guys," Kirishima smiled when he saw them. "Didn't see you there. Which one of you is singing next? Someone needs to take the mic away from Denki."

"Not me!" Midoriya put his hands up to protest.

"Come on, Midoriya," Kirishima came over and nudged him in the side, "I heard you do an awesome Britney Spears impression."

"Me? Oh, I mean, I don't know," Midoriya stuttered, a blush creeping over his freckled cheeks. "It was just that one time. I wasn't even that good. Kacchan, you were there, weren't you?"

"I sure the fuck was not." 

"Hit me, baby, one more time," Kirishima started to sing at Midoriya, a huge smile on his face while Bakugo rolled his eyes, but even he had a slight smirk. "Come on, dude, it's like your theme song."

"I can't," Midoriya protested, but then became very thoughtful. "I don't have the right outfit on for all that tonight anyway. I could go home and change, because I think that plaid skirt is in my closet somewhere, but I know I ripped the red latex one piece so that wouldn't work, although that one Halloween I did buy a fake snake so --"

"Deku," Bakugo barked.


"Shut up."

"You're so mean, Kacchan," even though Midoriya smiled as he said it.

Seconds later Kaminari was with them, the whole group laughing. "Are we talking about that time Midoriya almost busted his ass in those platform heels?"

"See! I knew someone was there! I just couldn't remember who."

"It was me. Hitoshi and I tipped you the best, didn't we?"

As the friends reminisced, their laughter was just too much for Hawks. They were all so happy and he was.... he was...


"I gotta – I need to – I have a phone call to make. Right now. Outside." Hawks jumped up from his seat at bar, and before the guys could say anything he practically flew toward the door, a blur of red wings streaming away.

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