Ch. 9 The Invitation

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Earlier that same evening...

Hawks might be fast, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid more reporters tonight.

"Congrats on capturing that villain, Hawks!" one yelled after him as she ran down the street. 

Even worse, this reporter had a cameraman rushing to catch up with her. When she caught up with the winged hero, Hawks read her name tag and groaned. She was from one of the most notorious hero gossip news shows.

"All in a day's work," he faked a smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to be going... Can't rest these wings for too long." 

"Oh, Hawks," the reporter giggled, giving him a playful slap on the arm. "Always joking around with us. Do you ever take anything seriously?"

He smiled tightly, trying to hide the irritation he felt at that question. "Of course I do. I take protecting the city very seriously."

"Sure but anyway, are you headed home now to that lucky lady in your life?"

As she thrust the microphone at his face for his response, Hawks resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Again, really? No matter where he went, no matter how many villains he put behind bars, the only thing reporters wanted to talk about was his love life.

The only thing Hawks didn't want to talk about?

His love life.

Or the lack thereof. 

Before he could answer, his patrol partner stepped up beside him, draping an arm over his shoulder and speaking for him. "Sorry, ladies, he's taken!" Midoriya quipped.

The reporter's face suddenly lit up as she smiled wide, her eyes darting back and forth between the two heroes knowingly. "I see!"

Before they could stop her, she spun around to the cameraman behind her. "You heard it here first, folks. Pro hero Deku is now dating pro hero Hawks, what a shocking - "

"Wait!" Midoriya's face turned four shades of red as his hands quickly waved in the air to stop her as Hawks sent feathers to cover the camera lens. 

"Not by me!" Midoriya shouted. "Not taken by me! That's not what I meant!"

"It's okay, Deku," she held out her microphone as the cameraman tried to wipe off the feathers. "There's no need to keep this kind of a thing a secret any longer. Tell us, how long have you two been together, who kissed who first - " 

Suddenly Black Whip's tendrils wrapped around the microphone, yanking it out of her hands and onto the ground where it shattered. 

"Oh no," Midoriya said, "the microphone, it's broken."

She stared at both Hawks and Deku in confusion but then forced a laugh. "Quirk accident, I guess?" 

"Something like that." 

"Okay, lovebirds! I get the hint. I'll leave the two of you alone. Enjoy your 'patrol' together," she said, giving them a wink. 

"You've got it wrong," he insisted. "Hawks has a girlfriend. A female girlfriend."

The reporter stopped, tilted her head, and eyed Hawks suspiciously. "... you do?"

"Uh... " Hawks wasn't sure what to say. "Yes. Yes, I do."

"Are you saying that because you don't want to admit to dating Deku?" she asked.

"Not at all." He gestured over to Midoriya. "This guy over here is a total catch. Some lucky guy needs to snatch him up quickly."

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