thirteen | reload

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𝓜y eyes slowly fluttered open. Groaning, I wake up as my neck was in an uncomfortable position all night. I reach for my pockets and check the time on my phone. It's 4.30am.

wait — shit.

"Matteo," my voice hoarse. He groans and pulls me closer to him, burying his face further into my neck.

"Mattie. Wake up! We have school and our brothers are going to give us hell if we don't get back," I whisper-yell.

"School can wait and so can our bros," he mumbled sleepily, snuggling into me.

"Matteo Valentino Armani. Wake up now or else..." I trail off, threateningly.

"You're comfy and what are you gonna do?" he smirks, sitting up, making me fall in his lap.

"I'll tell Alessandro," I deadpan.

"He probably already knows by now," he rolls his eyes.

"I know. Now let's get going," I said.

"Fine," he huffs, opening the back seat door, going to the drivers seat, as I take shotgun.


20 minutes later and we're at the mansion. It's still dark as it's only around 4 going to 5 in the morning.

"They're probably awake and up by now," mutters Matteo.

"Ready?" he asks with a smirk. I just shake my head at him, a small smile appearing on my face.

Matteo slowly opens the front door. The kitchen light is on, as this is a very dark house and it's still dark outside so...

Matteo looks at me and we both shrug. We start to go upstairs, but we're stopped by a deep voice.

"Where do you think you're going?" Alessandro.

We turn around and with him stands the rest of our brothers with glares on their faces. Matteo and I give them a sheepish smile.

"What were you two thinking?!" Giovanni raises his voice, making me lower my head.

"It's not her fault. It's mine, I was the one who convinced her into sneaking out. I wanted to make amends," Matteo defends, rubbing the back of his neck.

Alessandro sighs, then continues, "Alright. I'm letting it go this time. Don't let this happen again," he says sternly.

"It won't," Matteo and I say simultaneously.

"Right. Get ready for school," Giovanni instructs, gesturing towards the stairs.


Walking though the hallway, to the locker, with Rita, Mia and Bruno.

"What do you guys have next? I have Chemistry," Bruno asks.

"Maths," Rita responds with a grimace.

"English," Mia responds with a sigh.

"Chemistry. With Bruno," I respond, getting my Chemistry books from my locker.

"Guess we both have Chemistry huh?" Bruno smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. I couldn't help but laugh at his old flirty comment.

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