« recap »
bella moved back in with her brothers after they made some agreements. jackie and bella reunited. silas' and bella's convo in the passage were partially overheard by a special someone(s)...BLOODLUST
工 swear my heart stopped beating for a second. Someone overheard us and now what the frick am I supposed to say? I know sooner or later I'm gonna have to tell them — I'm just not ready... yet.
My heart rate started picking up, I could feel and practically hear the sound of my heart thumping against my rib cage and my pulse rapidly beating on my neck, making me feel as if my brain was is going to explode.
I slowly and hesitantly turned my head to meet the voice, as did Silas. It felt like I was in a horror movie, waiting for the monster to pull a jump-scare on me.
Looking the at the culprit in the eye, turns out it was only Gio and Jack. I sighed a little bit in relief and swallowed some air. I took a glance up at Silas, who was just staring at them, blankly. I couldn't really read his face.
I turned back to them and sputtered a, "w-what?". My lips pressed into a thin line, my eyes fluttering, as I looked at them with a blank yet panicked face, pretending as if I didn't hear what they just said.
"What small kick? Are you okay bambina?" Giovanni furrowed his eyebrows in concern coming over to me, as did Jack, as she stared at me in suspicion and worry.
jack can read me very well... after all she practically raised me from when i was 11. she knows all my habits that i developed from trauma — the way i try to hide things or when i'm in a "situation". everything and anything.
"Uh, y-yeah. I'm fine. We were walking and Silas was behind me... a-and he accidentally kicked me- but it was a small kick," I finished my little white lie, trying to not talk too fast, giving them a fake smile.
"Oh. Okay, well, come back up as soon as you're done, we've got news to share," Jack said, sounding hesitant at first, but it was replaced with uncertain happiness at the end.
"Right," Silas nodded, pulling me with him, heading for the stairs.
Just as we were passing them, Jack whispered in my ear, "you and I aren't done." I looked back at her, seeing her raised brow. I gulped and turned around, quickly, following Silas down the stairs.
Once we made it to the kitchen, Silas grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him and looked around, making sure we didn't have company.
Once he concluded that we were safe, he asked me, "when are you going to tell them?".
I took a deep breath in and looked up at him with stressed, strained eyes.
"I feel like it's the wrong timing to tell them now, I mean, the Russians are planning something big and I don't wanna disturb them. I mean- I know I'll have to tell them some time soon, but I-I don't know when," I said, looking down, feeling absolutely lost and useless at this point.
"No pressure, tell them when you're comfortable, or even if you want, at least tell one of our brothers or Jackie, because your safety is priority right now... I know you're feeling lost right now, but I'm here, it's okay, you're okay, you will be okay," he said gently with finality in his voice, as he pulled me into a protective bear hug.
"Jackie probably already knows by now and she won't leave me alone until I do something about it," I sighed.
"I mean... that's a good thing right?" he replied, while I slowly nodded.

Misterio / SuspensoCosa Nostra. Armani Blood. Ruthless men. One princess. ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾🌑︎ The Cosa Nostra has been around for centuries, run by the Armanis. If your last name is Armani, you have Armani Blood; you're pure. Tr...