a/n: thank you

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wow. this was... amazing. i loved writing this book and getting the sudden adrenaline rush through my veins and pouring out my feelings throughout these chapters.

i will miss this book, but at least the series is not over. there is a sequel, a kinda stand-alone sequel, to be precise. i dropped a hint in "rampage pt. ii", which is ch. 28. i will drop more info on the sequel, closer to its release, but for now, i'm taking a small break to just... relax, edit and write a few bonuses and.. get my life in order.

bonuses should include whatever parts that i didn't include or want to include as an extra. maybe, some more trauma back then, or more pregnancy or more brother-sister fluff moments or... more family moments — whatever's wanted.

also, a big thank you for 10,5k reads and all the comments and votes and support, it really touches my heart!!

until then... xoxo
vittoria <3

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