fourteen | deserving

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s I walk down the stairs, heading for the kitchen, I notice how dark everything is- I mean it's always dark.. it's just, the lights are usually on at this time.

maybe they overslept...

Okay, this scaring me. It's dead silent and I feel as if I should run back to my room, because a demon is watching me or something.

Okay no. Maybe they'll come down. Just have a lovely breakfast, Bella, everything will be fine.

I walk into the kitchen and the first thing I see is a sticky note on the fridge, which catches my eye. I frown, but pick it up nevertheless;

'Go back up, but without moving'

is this some kind of game?
what's going on..

'Go back up, but without moving'?! Huh? How am I supposed t- ohhh. The elevator!

I rush to the elevator and get inside as it takes me back up. I notice another note stuck on the wall of the elevator to my left. I peel it off and read it.

'It's kinda cold... you should wear my hoodie.
(P.S. your favourite bro + i am covered in tatts ;))'

Okay, so I have to got Silas' room..he's the only one with tattoos, well by far, I haven't seen anyone else.. and favourite brother... I don't know. I head to his room and slowly open the door to his room. His room is dark, but there's still some light illuminated by the window.

My eyes scan his room. Should I pick a hoodie- no wait. My eyes fall on a black, Nike hoodie, with another note on it.

I peel the note off and set it aside on the bed. I picked up the hoodie and put it on over my shirt. It's oversized and it smells like him, which I LOVE, because it gives me a sense of protection and warmth.

I then pick up the note again and read it.

'Sorry to cut it so short, but.. get your ass to the backyard. we're waiting for ya <3'

I smiled and hurried to the backyard, near the poolside. I opened the sliding door and oh my...

"Surprise!" all of my brothers yelled in unison.

all of them were there. including alessandro.

"Wha-" I was baffled.

"What's all of this for?" I chuckled, looking around, still surprised, at the magnificently decorated backyard.

"It's your 16th birthday," Giovanni smiled.

My mouth went agape. I frowned and whipped out my phone and checked the date, 'August 18'.

damn. how could i forget my own birthday.

"Oh. Well thank you so much! This is lovely, but you really didn't have to," I smiled at their thoughtfulness.

"No problem sorellina. Of course we had to do this. You're our only sister and plus we have to make up for all your birthdays we missed out on," Matteo grinned.

i have never celebrated my birthday before. i knew i had one — well — i did, but i never really treated it as one. it was just my date of birth for me — nothing special. at. all...'specially my 11th birthday. that was the worst night ever.

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