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Long lost words whisper slowly, To me

Still can't find what keeps me here

and all this time i've been so hollow, inside



Aimleas POV

He turned is head to look at me. My cloak was gone and I stood there in the clothes I died in. " Do you ever change clothes?" He asked casually. " Be thankful I didn't die naked." I responded then turned my head to the open bathroom. I turned to look at him and noticed that he was topless. He had at least an 8 pack and was rather muscled. I quickly shifted my eyes up to his smirking face and gave him the finger. " Can I use your shower?" I asked quickly wanting to have a shower badly since I couldn't have one at deaths castle and I needed to think anyway. " Sure go ahead." He nodded towards the door and I smiled gratefully then ran to the bathroom. I closed and Locked the door before undressing and showering.

Caisons POV

Most awkward conversation of my life. I thought silently turning back to my laptop. I went to google images and found myself typing in the name Aimlea. Instantly hundreds of photos popped up. They were from books given to children and school modern italian legends. The phot always depicted a girl with blonde hair and violet eyes yet her clothes always changed. Most of them she wore dark colours but there was one picture that caught my eye. It was a woman in white curled up with golden curls and indigo eyes. In the picture the woman was wearing a white dress with long sleeves. Underneath was a caption in italian Senza l'amore l'assassino muore.  Without love the asssassin dies.

I heard the water shut off and the door open. I quickly close the computer and turn to see Aimlea wearing her clothes. Completely dry. " But the water and you didn't take a towel." I muttered. She cocked her hip and raised an eyebrow at me. " Magic you idiot. I dried myself with magic." She answered. " ahh." I answered then watched as her eyes flicked down to my bare torso for a second then up to my face. I stood up and grabbed a wife beater off the top of my draw and pulled it on.

She walked over and grabbed my laptop off my bed placing it on her lap. She opened up google.it and quickly typed in La rosa più bella ha le spine più acute . Loads of results popped up but Aimlea just growled in frustration. She closed google chrome and turned to face me. Her legs crossed. " I have to kill you now." She spoke softly. Her voice broke slightly and I thought I saw pain in her purple eyes. " I killed 100 people today. Took their souls and thought nothing about it. But how come when it's you." She pushed a cold finger into my chest softly " I cannot even stand the thought of killing you let alone actually doing it." She seemed confused and frustrated. " But if I don't kill you then Death will send another reaper out after you and that one will kill you." She looked a bit more pained when she said that.

" So either way i'm going to die assassino senza amore?" I asked. Using one of the names that had popped up on google. She looked up at me with those pale purple eyes, full of hurt. I was expecting them to shimmer with tears with the emotion they were showing but I knew she had none to spill." Not if I can help it. Wait why did you call me that?" SHe asked. Intruged by the name I called her. I didn't even know what it meant and the fear that I had offended her built up in my assassin. " I saw it on google." I answered truthfully. " You don't know what it means?" Her voice was lighter now, more relaxed. Wow what a shower can do to people.

I shook my head. " It means the assassin without love." She replied looking at me. The gold in her eyes was enhanced by the colour of my white sheet. " I know how you killed your targets." I admitted suddenly. She snapped her head up in my direction. Her skin slightly paler and her eyes wide. " Your male targets at least. You would make them like you then make them think you were going to sleep with them but by the time they got anywhere near going there they were already dead." I answered, the facts from wikipedia permantally memorised. She looked at me strangely. She closed her eyes and I instantly knew what was happening. She was crying without tears.

I moved over close to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. My skin felt even warmer compared to the cold skin that was hers. " Why are you, would you be crying?" I asked, my voice full of concern. " Because I'm ashamed. It was the only way to kill my targets and get my pay." She admitted, her voice had the same tone Mrs.Woodwool's had after leaving with Alice's body. Just without the tear tracks. "hey." I lifted her chin with my hand and turned her head so she could look me in the eyes but she just made sure to keep them anywhere on my face but my eyes. " Calm down. I understand. You needed money and it was the only way. It's not like you actually slept with them all." She looked repulsed by the idea and quickly shook her head. I placed my palm on the side of her face and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. I felt a slight addition of pressure on my hadn as she subtly leant into it, like she had never been comforted before. Her eyes finally looked into mine and I saw the vulnerability in them.

I swore I felt her cheek warm up slightly but then I realised it was just my body heat. She gave me a shaky smile showing normal looking teeth. She looked rather pretty actually. I blinked and suddenly her face was alot closer to mine but she was in the same position. I realised it had been me who had moved my head. My nose was just brushing hers. I don't know why I was expecting to feel breath on my lips as she breathed but i did and then I remmebered she was dead. But that doesn't explain what I did next.


*ducks for cover* I know you all hate my guts for doing that and leaving it there so drop the grenades. Thank you. Now don't pick them back up again but the next chapter Might not be posted until tomorrow. If you want the next chapter to be dedicated to you (unless you already have a dedication) Then fan and comment on this chapter!!!

Hope your enjoying

Tanith xxx

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