Chapter 1 : The party on the beach

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We all had just finished graduation, so just to celebrate before we split our different ways, the group I was currently in, through a huge beach party at night. The stars were out twinkling in the empty sky, the sound of the waves were calm that brushed up to the smooth sand. It was very beautiful. Even the wind was a gentle warm breeze, a perfect night to party with friends, remembering the past of being together. Obviously it won't be the last of seeing each other.

The music was booming loud, there were drinks and beer pong, the iconic karaoke, singing the night away, there was even a pool at the party looking out to sea, Jackson was the one who created this party, his parents are Hella rich, they'd currently lived in NYC but then moved here in LA just for the better. His mansion was very modern, everything in his house was either white of black, the kitchen was huge, a flat screen cinema screen in his living room, upstairs there were multiple guests rooms, a gym, another inside swimming pool, his own spa room. He lived in a dream that anyone would want. Jackson was a spoiled rich kid, he got his own way, his parents owned a yacht in Spain. His mother was a lawyer and his father was a business man of his own company earning millions of money each year.

Jackson was very much a prince charming, he has blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular body his voice was deep, his looks were handsome, yet the only thing that I hated the most was his attitude towards elders, he never once helped any elder, he was very selfish. But still he was a very kind and adventurous person. And of course the famous Bella, who was the prettiest and dedicated girl ever, her parents were also lawyers, I do get on well with her, she was the student leader in both years, before she had to move away to another university. It was sad she had too move away, but we invited her too the party anyways,

There wasn't any people that never got along, here in this beach party everyone got along well, even the teacher came to the beach party to celebrate the graduation. It was 10:00pm and we were still partying till dawn, the moon was out shining, the reflection of the moon light shimmered on the wet sand and the crystal blue sea. We did lots of selfies, with my handy art skills I created a year book, I printed out all the selfies and stuck them on a empty book of memories of this amazing beach party.

Everyone started to dance and eat the luxurious food, the smell of grilled stake and burgers was mouth-watering. I sat down and took a glass of sparkles, I dunked my feet in the cool pool water, the water was so reflective I could see the sparkling lights about the pool and the moons reflection. The sound of talking was comforting, this is the best day of my life. When the food was all dished out, we went back inside too sit down and eat, we did a toast and continued to drink and chat. Jackson said a few words before we all cheered and clinked our glasses. 

This was honestly the best meal I had in ages, the stake was perfectly cooked, still red and a bit bloody, the chips were crispy, oh I must not forget the cheese fondue, the cheese was as orange as the fruit orange, the smell reminded me of the time my mother cooked cheesy chips. 

We had all finished our dinner and went back outside to swim in the sea, it was still surprisingly warm, we had glow sticks and everything, we splashed around. Jackson being his silly self got a ladder and placed it in the sea where were can climb to the top of it and jump into the sea with a huge splash. I didn't want this night to end, I climbed to the top of the ladder and dived off it, but don't worry the ladder was placed not near the shallow end but in the deeper parts of the sea, I suddenly felt something wrap round my leg, at the time I didn't think much of it. When your at a beach party and a little drunk I didn't think much of it at the time, I got out of the sea but there was nothing on my ankle, so it must of been seaweed. 

I ran back into the sea again to swim a little further out, I forgot how wonderful it was to swim in the sea, the smell was so refreshing, but then again something grabbed onto my ankle. Then I remembered reading about octopuses swimming in warm waters, so again I ignored it, I wasn't in the really deep parts of the sea, I even had a inflatable ring, so even if I was going to somehow get pulled downwards it would be a lot harder for the creature to pull me under and drown me. 

The night had nearly ended but I wanted to stay in the sea a little longer, everyone apart from me  went inside to leave, it was around 12:00am midnight. I once remembered when my mother was alive and well she said to me that I should never be alone at sea on my own, anything bad might happen. I swam back to shore, but before I could stand up and pick up my inflatable, something with white hands grabbed both of my ankles and pulled me from underneath, I smacked my head of the soft sand, my bikini top nearly coming off, I was violently dragged under the water, it was strong my inflatable popped and I had no chance of getting away from this creature. 

I couldn't breathe, I tried my damn hardest to get to the surface. Is this how it's going to end the beach party? No one could hear me, it was like I was drowning in space, no one can hear you scream in space, everyone is to far away to hear you. I screamed again and again yet no one could me. Before I knew it I was unconscious. Alone in the dark waters.  

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