Finding out our powers day

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The smell of cookies and orange juice spread across the living room to meet my nose, I woke up feeling refreshed and joyful. I slid out of the hammock and skipped across the living room to scoff the cookies and drink the freshly squeezed orange juice. It quenched the thirst from my mouth afterwards I got changed in the pastel red uniform, since we were needing this uniform the most for today. Elanor had already left the house, probably at work. The sky was much lighter today, I hope I wasn't late.

I finished eating the chocolate orange cookies, and dashed outside and on the way, I picked up the small mushrooms on the sidewalk where the forest was. I ate the mushroom, I kind of like the taste of the mushrooms, it makes me really happy. In the distance I could see heavens academy and I flew towards the door opened it, the light guard stood there and waved and pointed in the direction where the field was. I could see a few angels waiting for the class to start.

A few minutes later the light guard came into the field, only with a few angels present. It was weird I thought we were going to have at least 200 angels in this class. Something must of happened. We stood in a line and I was the one at the end on the left, the angels all looked around wondering where all the other angels were. The light guard stepped forwards and stared his speech, to explain what we were going today.

"Hello angels of heaven academy, today we are going too teach you how to use your powers, and see what rank you are. So first off, the reason why there aren't that many angels is because. One safety rule is, never have crowding around when you are just beginning to use your powers, it can go very wrong. And two there was a fight somewhere, so they were taken down to earth as a lost soul also known as a fallen angel. I hope you are aware that beating up other angels have consequences. Right, I will put you into groups of four. So because I am nice you can chose your own teams."

I looked around and everyone wanted me to be in their groups. There was all sorts of ages between 4 years old to 80 plus year olds. I wasn't sure where to go. So instead I walked in between the middle group, which had ages around 20 to 30 year old angels. Everyone was sorted out. So the first group was the most older people. 

"Right so the older groups please step forwards, one by one please show their powers. How do you show your powers? Well first off you will need your wings out, and then just imagine you doing your magic."

The four people took in turns, first the old women had red, the weaker rank, then the second person went afterwards, having a orange. Which isn't too bad, at least she got some sort of better power. The two other old women got the same, they both got yellow, the speed of light. Running that fast would kind annoy me, it's just pointless, you can't even do damage unless you are the darker yellow. I hope I at least get advanced like Elanor. So then we can both work together.

"Next group up please!"

Oh it's not out group up yet, we are 2 groups down till it's our turn, I can try to relax, I am so nervous, I don't want to look like a total idiot in front of everyone. What if my powers won't work, or what if I accidently hurt someone. Ohhh I don't know. I can feel my wings heat up for some reason. It was getting super hot, I am not sure if anyone else can feel the heat coming off my wings, but I surely can. 

I looked behind me to check out my wings and they weren't even out, it must of been someone else's wings. I looked forwards again and down the line, I was more focused on myself than the other angels powers. Silly me. We were next and my wings aren't even showing. All I can feel is heat, almost like as if I placed my hand in magma. The light guard looked puzzled to why my wings weren't showing.

"Lou wings out please, It's your turn now, since you are the only one without the wings out you go first."

I was worried, my wings weren't coming out, they were stuck. What would happen if I can't get them out? Would I be sent down to earth as a lost soul? I hope not. I closed my eyes, and relaxed. Almost like meditating, wings flew open, knocking all the other angels backwards. My wings had suddenly increased in size almost bigger the light guards. I opened my eyes, I looked up, I had a halo and everything, my wings were 10 times bigger than my actual body size, they were shining in the sun, the shimmering was rainbow like, they had pure white. I can't believe this. The light guard had his mouth wide open, looking astounded and shocked.

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