The Tribute Parade

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The tribute parade
I feel very self conscious in what my stylist put me in. She put me in a teal bra with teal underwear and draped a net over me. She put my hair into waves and put a crown made of pearls on my head.

I'm looking for Finnick before the parade starts and I see him with Mags talking to Luke. I notice Luke has swim shorts on with a net draped over him. Why couldn't I have been put in a swimsuit?!

I grab Finnick's hand and pull him away. He looks at me.

"Finnick why would they put me in this?! I don't want to be in this!" I complain.

"Your stylist is trying to make people notice you," he tells me.

I look at what I'm dressed in.

"No one is going to notice me anyways. I don't stand out. I'm not pretty. No one's going to want to sponsor me!" I tell him, looking down.

"Annie look at me," he tells me and I look at him.

"You are going to stand out. You're very pretty, actually you're gorgeous. Don't ever say that you're not pretty again and you will get sponsors," he tells me.

"TRIBUTES TAKE YOUR PLACES!!" The announcer says.

Me and Finnick walk back to the chariot. Me and Luke get on it and Finnick and Mags leave.

Our chariot starts moving and I hear the Capital citizens cheering and shouting.

Me and Luke look at each other and we start smiling and waving to the crowd.

After the parade
After the parade we meet up with Finnick and Mags.

"Y'all did great!" Finnick says and Mags nods her head.

"Thanks now can we go to our floor?" I ask ready to get out of this outfit.

Luke and Finnick laugh and I roll my eyes.

Mags and Luke walk in front of me and Finnick. I feel Finnick's hand on the small of my back and jump because his hand is cold.

"Are you ok?" He whispers to me.

"Yea your hand's just cold," I tell him.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I wrap my arms around his waist as we walk.

We get to the fourth floor and I go straight to my room.

I take a shower and stand there letting the warm water hit my skin. I probably stay in the shower for an hour. When I get out I put on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

I walk out of the bathroom and lay on my bed.

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