Getting Ready

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I hold Finnick tighter as my prep team tries to pull me away from him.

"Annie listen, you have to get ready for the interview-" Finnick starts but I cut him off with my sobbing.

I put my head against Finnick's chest; closing my eyes.

I then feel myself get ripped out of Finn's arms. I scream and scream.

I look up and see two peacekeepers holding my arms.

I cry and scream wanting nothing more then to be in Finnick's arms.

Finnick and Mags try to convince the peacekeepers to leave but they don't succeed.

Finnick finally convinces them to let him hold me while they do my hair and makeup.

The peacekeepers throw me into Finnick's arms. He wraps his arms around me and I lay my head on his chest; hearing his heartbeat.

The peacekeepers stand by my door.

One of the girls from my prep team, I never bothered to learn their names, walks over to me.

Finnick sits down on my bed and I sit on his lap. Mags sits beside us and grabs my hand.

"Annie we need to clean you up. Can you come get in the bath?" The girl asks me.

I look at Finnick and he nods his head.

I get up letting the girl lead me into the bathroom. She runs the water as I take my clothes off.

I get in the bath and feel the warm water around my skin.

I see bubbles feel the tub and I start giggling like I'm little kid getting a bubble bath. The girl looks at me like I'm crazy but doesn't say anything. She starts washing my hair.

When I control my laughter I decide to ask her what her name is.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask her.

"Of course!" She says.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"My name is Ember," she tells me.

"Ok!" I tell her. When I'm all clean I get out and get dried off.

Ember hands me a robe to put on and I do.

I look at myself in the mirror and start laughing at how funny I look.

Ember leads me back into my room while I'm still laughing.

Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy, which I guess I am, except for Finnick and Mags. They understand everything I went through but these Capital people have no idea what it's like.

I get sat on Finnick's lap, where I feel protected. I keep laughing and Finnick smiles at me.

Ember does my hair, while the other two members of my prep team do my makeup.

They have to force me to stop laughing because I can't stop on my own. Finnick just holds me and talks to Mags while she listens.

When they are done with my hair and makeup, I get pulled out of Finnick's arms again and I start to cry.

Finnick stands up and cups my face in his hands.

"Hey I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere," he tells me.

My stylist walks in with a bag.

She tells me to close my eyes but I don't; scared of what I'll see.

Finnick turns me away from my stylist so I can't see the dress as she unzips it.

"Annie you're going to have to close your eyes so you can get your dress on. I'll keep talking so you'll know that I'm here, ok?" He tells me. I nod and close my eyes. I hear Finnick's sweet and gentle voice.

I feel fabric slip over my body and I hear a zipper zip up.

"Ok you can open your eyes now, Annie!" My stylist says.

I open them and turn around to see a full length mirror.

The dress is gorgeous. It's a teal blue ball gown. It's strapless with a sweetheart neckline, similar to the one a wore before the games but instead of it going straight down it puffs out at the bottom. I notice my hair is in the same hairstyle as it was during my first interview.

I giggle like a little girl playing dress up.

I see Finnick smile behind me.

"I'm a princess!!" I shout as I continue to giggle.

"Yes you are, Annie!" Finnick tells me smiling.

Mags smiles at me.

My stylist puts my shoes on my feet. They are silver, sparkly flats.

I giggle more.

Finnick's POV
When I see Annie in her dress smiling and giggling I can't help but smile. She looks so gorgeous.

Everyone except for me and Mags looks at Annie like she is crazy because a moment ago she was crying and now she is giggling and smiling; acting like a little girl.

Me and Mags know the real reason she is acting like this and that's because of her PTSD. It makes her cry and laugh at random times.

People may think that she is crazy but she really isn't, she's just scared from the events in the games.

I don't care if anyone thinks that she is crazy because she isn't, she is still the beautiful, sweet, and caring Annie as before.

Annie's POV
"Annie it's time to go," Finnick tells me grabbing my hand.

I nod and we all walk out of my room; going to the interview.

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