Finnick Says he has to Leave

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A few weeks later
I've been living with Finnick for the past week because of everything that has happened. About 2 weeks ago Finnick caught me trying to commit suicide so he made me move him with him.

I've become very unstable ever since I got back from the Hunger Games and saw my parents dead.

I've had doctors appointments and they've told us that I have to be watched 24/7.

"Annie are you hungry?" Finnick asks me.

I shake my head.

"Annie you need to eat something," he tells me.

I shake my head again.

Finnick grabs my hands.

"Annie you know you need to eat," he tells me.

I don't say anything.

"Please. You haven't ate anything in the last couple of days! Please!" He begs.

I look at him.

"I'm not hungry," I tell him.

I pull the covers back over me and lay down.

He sighs.

"Ok well..." he says looking nervous.

"Are you ok?" I ask him.

"Annie I have to go away for a few days..." he says.

"What?! Why?!" I ask.

He looks worried.

"Finnick? You can tell me!" I tell him.

I take his hands in mine and he looks at me.

"No I can't tell you, Annie, I'm sorry," he tells me with tears pulling at the corners of his eyes.

"I thought you didn't like secrets!" I say.

I let go of his hands and get out of bed. I walk out of the room.

I go downstairs and walk out of the house.

I go to the beach, sit on the sand and stare at the water.

I'm back in the arena with the wave crashing down. I hear the screams.

I cover my ears with my hands, close my eyes tightly, and scream.

A few minutes later
I feel someone gently touch my shoulder.

"Annie hey it's ok," I hear.

I pull my hands away from my ears and open my eyes.

I look into the perfect sea green eyes I fell in love with.

"Finnick?" I ask not believing anything.

"It's me Annie," he says; wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's go home," he tells me.

He helps me up and we walk back home.

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