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Enjoy @ChaikaGaz

"Achoo!" You sneeze and groan. It was a mistake to hang around your friend who had a cold, because she gave it to you. You've been sick for a couple of days, and to make it worse, Ross is on tour, and doesn't come back for a couple more weeks. You needed his protective hugs, and his warm cuddles. You blow your nose and lean back into the pillow. Your eyes are dry and your nose hurts. "Achoo!" You sneeze again. Then, you hear the front door open. You ignore it, thinking its your parents. Then the door to your bedroom opens to reveal your blonde boyfriend. "Hey bab- oh my gosh baby girl are you sick? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "I didn't want you to worry, I wanted you to have fun on tour." You said all stuffy. Ross pulls you into a hug. You instantly melt into him. "I missed you Arianna." He says softly into your ear. "I missed you too." You say with a smile. "Can I get you anything?" He asks. "Cuddles?" You whisper. His mouth curves into a wide smile. Ross picks you up and moves you up the bed. He lies down and wraps is strong arms around you. He kisses your head and grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers. You smile, something you haven't done in a while. "I love you, beautiful." Ross whispers. "I love you too." You whisper back and drift to sleep.
You wake up a few hours later, feeling a bit better. You and ross haven't moved from that same position. You wiggle out of his arms, but they pull you right back in. You smile and playfully glare at him. You escape his grasp, push him on his back, and rest your head in his neck, kissing it softly. Your head starts to pound, and you groan and put your hand on it. Ross wakes up. "Are you ok princess?" He says. "Yah, my head is pounding." You say. "Ok, I'll go get you medicine." He says and gets up, kissing your forehead on the way out. Your head stops pounding a little, that's just the spell ross has on you.
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