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for @NisaR5

Sure you guys had your differences, he liked the older pop music, you were more into rock. He liked surfing, you liked sitting on the beach and watching him. And he was 26, you were a young 18 years. But all this didn't prevent you from being together. You knew you loved him and he definitely loved you. You and Ross we're the pieces missing to complete your puzzle . "Nisa!" Ross yells from the shoreline. You looked up from your drawing, seeing him run up to you. "hey." you say up to him. "Come in the water with me!" he begs. "Ross, I don't have a swimsuit." You laugh. "It doesn't matter, just take off your shoes. please!" he kneels in front of you.

You give in, kicking off your converse and socks. You and Ross run to the water. "Ah! it's cold!" You scream. He laughs and pulls you in further. "You'll get used to it." he smirks, picking you up bridal style. Ross walks deeper and deeper into the water with you in his arms. Eventually, you and him are all they way in. "Isn't the sunset pretty?" You ask him. "Yah," he nods, "but not as pretty as you." he giggles. "You're so cheesy." You laugh.

Ross picks you up again, you wrapping your legs around his waist and resting your head on his shoulder. "Nisa," he whispers. You lift your head up and Ross places his lips on yours. You smile and pull him closer, your lips moving in sync. He pulls back and whispers, "God, I love you so much." Your heart flips and butterflies release in your stomach. "I love you too." You smile. "Our age difference doesn't mean anything to me, I don't care what anyone says." he mumbles. "Because I'm happy as long as you're with me."

that was requested a long time ago and I never got to it; I'm sorry it's so late!

but I hope you enjoyed nisa!

vote and comment?

-Alex :D

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