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Cassy's pov: 

When you've known someone since 1st grade, you can tell when they're sad. And when I went to Ross's after school, I knew he was sad. He wouldn't tell me what's up, but I can get it out of him. 

"Ross! Tell me what's wrong! You can't be all down for no reason." I say. Right now we're in his room, lying on his bed. He hasn't said much but we are cuddling, which i'm not complaining about. Ok I like ross more than a friend but who wouldn't! "I really don't want to talk about it." He says, cuddling closer. "If you don't tell me, i'm leaving." I whisper. "Noooo!" He whines, pulling me closer and holing me closer. I laugh to myself at his cuteness. "Then tell me!" I muttered.  "Fine! Courtney broke up with me!" He says, burring his face in my neck. "Oh ross, i'm sorry." I flip around in his arms and hug him. He turns on his back, me lying on his chest. "It's ok, i'm just mad because she was just using me to get some movie roll." He sighed. I rolled my eyes, "I knew something was up with her." I scoff. "I'll be right back rossy." I giggle and kiss his check. I see him blush and he tries to hide it as I walk out. 

I drive to Courtney's house, she needs a piece of my mind. Knocking on the door, I tap my foot impatiently. I never liked ross's girlfriend. She was always bossing him around, yelling at him, and using him for his fame and money. And because she was always the reason why I couldn't tell ross that I liked him more than a friend. 

She opens the door and shoots me a dirty look. "What do you want?" She spits. "Maybe I want to kick your arse for treating my best friend like absolute crap." I raise my voice a little. "Oh, your poor BFF. Yah, he was good for getting me my acting career." She laughs evilly. "Stop stomping all over people like they're your property!" I yell. "Yah? What are you going to do b**ch?" She says in my face. I throw a punch in her stomach and she falls to the floor, groaning. "Don't mess with whats' mine." I say and walk off. Took care of her.

I walk back to ross's and to his room. He's still lying on the bed, this time on his phone. "Hey Cassy!" He smiles nervously. "Whats up?" I giggle, falling onto his bed. He smiles and pulls me onto his lap. I wrap my arms around his chest and listen to his heart beating really fast. "Are you ok?" I ask, concerned. "Uh... yah why wouldn't I be?" He says. "Nevermind." I sigh. "Cassy?" Ross mumbles. "Yah?" I look up and into his gorgeous hazel eyes, they lock together. "I...I l-like you... like more than a f-friend." He stutters. Now my heart speeds up. "You do?" I smile. "Definitely, since the 10th grade." He mumbles. "I like you too ross." I blush. He leans his head down and connects his lips with mine. His kiss was gentle and soft, but it sent shivers down my spine. His hands rested on my hips as my arms were around his neck. We pulled away slowly, both of us having huge smiles on our faces. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Of course." I smiled, reconnecting our lips. 


Hey! that was a request for R5family-rosslover

hope you enjoyed :)

love you guys 


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