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Cheyenne's pov:

I walk in the door of me and Ross's apartment and drop my bag and keys on the floor. I drag myself down the hallway, tired from a horrible day at work. "Ross?" I yell through the house. There was no answer. "Ross?" I call again. Still nothing but the sound of the tv. I walk down the hallway and enter the living area. I see Ross, playing his video games with headphones on, obviously talking to someone on the other end. I stand on front of the tv, trying to get him to look at me. "Babe move!" He yells. He scares me a little so I move immediately.

 I honestly didn't want to fight with him, today's Valentines day, and I was hoping it would be special. I run to our room and slam the door. Plopping on the bed, tears form in my eyes. I'm just so frustrated and Ross usually helps, but he's stuck in his little video game world. 

I grab my phone and headphones and plug them in. Music is my only escape from this world. I put it on shuffle and blast the volume. 

I don't hear Ross walk in until he lies down next to me I pause my music and look at him. "Hey baby." He smiles, gently rubbing my arm with his fingers. "Don't "hey baby" me. I scoff, shaking off his hand. 

"Chey, whats wrong?" Ross asks. "Whats wrong? What's wrong Ross? I don't know, maybe its the fact that today is Valentines day," Ross's eyes widened and he panicked. "And maybe that you yelled at me to "move", and stuck in your video games." I say. "Today was just really frustrating and I was hoping you would be there but I guess not." Tears start falling down my cheeks, and ross cursing under his breath.

 "Princess, i'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you and I should have been there." He stands up and wraps his arms around my waist, holding me close. "I love you so much." He whispers. I smile and hug him back. "I love you too Ross." I mumble back. He sighs in relief and kisses me. He moves from my lips to my neck, softly placing kisses on it. "Where do you want to go baby?" He asks me. "Let's go,"I say, thinking of what we should do, "Actually, lets stay here and order pizza." I giggle. "Really?" He laughs. "Yah." I kiss him again. "Whatever you want baby." He rests his forehead on mine. "I love you so much, happy valentines day. " He says, his hazel eyes sparkling. "I love you too." I connect our lips and jump into Ross's arms. He turns around, places me on the bed, and hovers above me. Our lips are moving perfectly in sync, he moves down my jaw, and to my neck. We never ordered pizza that night ;). 


That was a request from r5fanforever123 

Hope you enjoyed! 

Not taking any more requests right now, but i'll let you know when! 

thanks for reading! love you all 

(If you havent, check out my riker fanfiction, Riker Anthony hehe)

-Alex :) 

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