4|𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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Little 2 year old Genya eyes fluttered opened as he rose up from his bed , he looked at the small allmight clock

06.00 AM

Genya huffed as he carefully drop down from his bed and slowly opened the bedroom door and carefully close it behind him to make sure he didnt wake his brother up who is still sleeping

He always been a morning little guy ever since he started walking , Genya being a former demon slayer who work all day and night got used to the cold morning , he slowly walked down the stairs ,one step at a time as he finally manage to walk all the way down without falling , its a routine

Genya wake up first , walk down the stairs and grab a small Snack he can eat whenever he woke up , Mitsuki walk down the stairs to see Genya , who she got used to seeing him waking up at this hour , next is Masaru getting ready for work and lastly Genya and katsuki getting ready for kindergarden

"My my look's like little itsu is already awake as usual, don't you want to sleep more like your big brother?" Mitsuki smiled as she Walked down the stairs and greet Genya who is trying to get on the chair , Mitsuki picked him up and gently put him on the chair so he can reach the small Snack

"Ever since you started waking up at this hour for a Snack i always make sure to prepare, i don't want to make you starve while waiting for me to make one ya know" she chuckles as she folded her arms together as she sat Accross him

Genya shyly nibble onto the Snack as he looked at Mitsuki, Mitsuki give him a kiss on the forehead as she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast

"So hows your big brother treating his new friend izuku at kindergarden? Did he treat him nicely?" Mitsuki Asked as she looked at Genya waiting for a reply

Genya nodded , Mitsuki giggled as she start chopping some carrots

"I see , thats great , i don't really want to see your brother bully someone , especially someone like Izuku , that little guy has a soft heart , so if you ever see him bully him , could you stand up for him itsu?" Mitsuki give Genya a smile , Genya nodded in a response

'dont worry mom, i'll make katsuki doesnt act too far with his teasing' genya smiled at Mitsuki while also giving her a thumbs up


"Come on itsuki! Were going to be late!" Little katsuki yelled as he walked up to Genya who still struggle with putting his shoes on

Katsuki stared at him before huffing , he then helped Genya to put his shoes on , he grabbed his hand and Walked outside

"Let's go! Mom is waiting!"

'jeez someone is impatient...' genya huffed as he let his big brother drag him to the kindergarden

As the duo finally make it on time , katsuki quickly Walked to the sand pit to meet izuku , guess he finally Made a friend , while Genya just stood there all alone , Mitsuki chuckles as she Pat his head

"Did your big brother leave you out itsuki? Want me to lead you to your classroom?"

Genya shooked his head, Mitsuki once again Pat his head
"Alright , be good for me ! Bye itsuki!"

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