14|𝐔𝐀 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞!

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"You two are worthy to go to UA, with your wits and strength, you might passed the selection"

"Just... dont beat yourself to it"


"Itsuki? Whats wrong sweetie?" Mitsuki asked as she prepared her dear family breakfast

Genya snapped out of his thoughts as he smiled "ah uhm....its nothing- just thinking about ...UA stuff" he mumbled

Mitsuki smiled as she continue to make the omurice

"Still wanting to go to UA huh? You sure you wanted to go there? I mean sure you can go to the general course or maybe a chance being in the support course but..."

"Nah, i will go to the hero course" genya replied as he munch on his watermelon

Mitsuki chuckles as she shook her head, her sons always obsessed about being a hero since they were little, of course no matter how many times she tried to suggest a different course, their answer always the same

'No, i want to be in the hero course!'

And its all the same as they grow older

She noticed katsuki walking down the stairs

"Good morning katsuki, never seen you wake up late . Is everything alright?" She asked as she put katsuki's breakfast on the table

Katsuki stayed quiet as he sat down accross genya , he stared at him for a moment before eating his breakfast

Mitsuki stared at katsuki as she slowly ruffled his hair

"Tch- what was that for old hag?!im trying to eat here!-"

"Oh shut it you" mitsuki scolded as she chuckles while ruffling his hair even more before noticing her husband stumbling down the stairs

"And speaking of waking up late..."

"AAHHH!- oh god!- shit!" Masaru hurriedly put on his coat and shoes , his tie was all jumbled up and he still have his bed hair

"Honey you're not going to eat?" Mitsuki asked

"Uh- i'll eat at the office! See you honey" he kissed her cheek before running towards the door and closing it behind him

Mitsuki sighed as she shook her head ,smiling at her husband clumsiness

She glanced at her sons as she sat down

"I heard the UA selection exam is in next week, are you two perhaps prepared anything?" She asked, curious about what her sons have been doing for the past few months

"Well... i've been training with mr himejima for the past couple of months...." genya mumbled as he moved from eating watermelon to eating his omurice

"I see, what about you katsuki?" Mitsuki glanced at her oldest son

"Training my quirk? Isnt that obvious?" Katsuki replied as he picked up his plate and walked over to the sink to wash it

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