•4/20 : birthday special chapter•

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//Bakugou's birthday//


It was late in the afternoon, little good old sweet genya just casually watching the tv while laying on top of masaru who is sleeping peacefully

Today is his brother's birthday , and he wasnt supposed to tell a thing to his brother

Not even a 'happy birthday!'

He sorta felt bad making katsuki think that his family had forgotten about his birthday but oh well

"Masaru! Masaru!" The wife whispered as she held her husband's nose , masaru flinched as he suddenly woke up while also carefully holding genya out of instinct

"What?! Whats wrong?!-" he asked , genya giggled as he fixed the poor man glasses

"Did you  prepare the suprise yet?" She asked , the man sweatdropped as he stood up from the sofa and began to quickly prepare , mitsuki sighed as she glanced at genay before putting a finger on her mouth while smiling

Genya understand what she meant by that gesture

Boy needs to keep his mouth shut.


"Itsuchan!" Izuku smiled happily as he approached genya with a big smile on his face

"Where's kaachan? I wanna say hap-"

"Shhhhh! Dont ruin the suprise!" Genya hushed , izuku giggled as he closed his mouth while nodding

"Alright is everyone ready?" Mitsuki asked

Aparrently she invited inko and izuku over to celebrate katsuki's birthday which is nice since they're  best buddies

Genya nodded at mitsuki before walking upstairs to his and katsuki's room he knocked on it 3 times before opening it , he heard sniffles as he peeked inside

He climbed up to the top bunk and poke on the huge bumb

"?!....*sniff- what do you want?..." The tiny yet sad voice said

'ah....shoot he's crying..'

"Nii chan? You alright?" Genya mumbled as he poke katsuki again

"Leave me alone itsuki...*sniff i wanna be alone.."

Ah...the little man is sad. This isnt what genya had expected , he never seen katsuki cry like this before..

I mean it IS his birthday afterall , boy must feel sad that everyone "forgot" about it

"You sure? Mom said dinner is ready!" Genya mumbled as he crawled inside the blanket from the bottom to the top , now him and katsuki is just tucked in a blanket , how adorable

"...did mom forget about my birthday?" The boy asked , genya frowned before shooking his head "no mama didnt forget! She have a good memory not like dad remember?" He joked

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