8|𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠

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Around 9  years had past , now itsuki is around 13 y.o in middle school, despite being 13 he is quite taller than his classmates around 176 cm

Despite his brother now began to avoid, ignore and treat him like he doesnt exist in the first place , he is still get mocked by other students in the class for being quirkless..thought it wasnt so serious like what izuku went through..

Oh boy... That guy went through a lot , and genya is quite impressed than he manage to put a sorta strong face and ignore it

After that incident back when he was 4 years old . Genya has his iconic scar on his cheek , at first he hated it since it remind him of his past life...but at the same time he felt like he needs it

Till this day the two brothers didnt work out on their relationship and come back on being brothers , hell like what genya had said , that incident never brought up by him nor his brother, genya of course didnt forget , neither katsuki . That hot head is still the katsuki we know , he's either your lovable explosion boy or your least favorite explosion boy , you decide.

Katsuki till this day has not apolagize to his brother for injuring him, since he think he doesnt need to , and it doesnt need to be brought up


And till this day katsuki had a hostile intentions towards izuku now named deku, its either due to jealousy or he's too egotistic to accept that he is indeed weak like the rest of people in the world

Genya think katsuki was being hella ridiculous for acting all mighty and when his ego got hurt he will blast their faces off

And so genya began to sorta dislike his brother a little ,i mean he still does care and love for his dear annoying loud brother , but he didnt like it when he kept ignoring him

Genya is now currently putting on his shoes as he ate his toast , mitsuki sighed as she ruffled his hair

"Carefull out there ok itsuki? Oh! And make sure your brother doesnt get in trouble at school as always of course" she chuckled , bakugou scoffed as he walked by them

"Shut up old hag i dont need a babysitter." He spat

The mother and son began to bicker as genya sighed and stood up

He fixed his collar as he opened the door "we'll be going now mom, bye!"

"Bye sweetie!"

The brothers began to walk...it was....a awkward silent walk i gotta say , and they got used to it by now

"....brother- fixed your colla-"

"Dont tell me what to do extra.and dont call me brother." Katsuki cuts him off , genya sweatdropped as he crossed his arm . Genya began to walk a little slower as he quietly walked behind his brother

He noticed midoriya is just walking ahead. Genya smiled as he jogged towards him
"Izuku! Hey hey!" , The green haired boy turned his head around and smiled at genya "oh itsuchan , hey!"

"How are you been?- and woah! Is that a new volume i see?" He smirked while poiting at the notebook in izuku's hand , the boy laughed nervously as he nodded "oh! Y-yeah i made another one since the last one is already full!" Suddenly katsuki walked between them
Bumping his shoudler against theirs " out of the way deku." He spat , izuku frowned as he sees katsuki walking off

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