ice breaker - tarlos

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(quick little disclaimer! if you haven't seen the teaser thing for 9-1-1 lone star 'the ice storm' then go watch that now so this makes sense, then i'll write a part 2 for this once it comes out!)

storms were not getting any better in austin, things would die down and then get freezing cold again. It was like this constant cycle of things freezing then thawing, so most of the times the ice would not be strong enough to hold somebody's body weight meaning even if it had been freezing cold the day after it had a died down a bit, it still wasn't strong enough to hold anyone.

so it wasn't a surprise when Tk, Tommy, and Nancy got a call saying that a kid had fallen through the ice.

it had been snowing pretty hard and it was getting hard to see, they were now outside of austin because nobody else could reach the pond because of the snow.

when they arrived a lady guided them down, she explained that the last time she had saw the boy was a minute ago when he was gasping for air, and then said that he hadn't been seen since.

"ok who wants to do this?" tommy asked, "I ca-" nancy started but tk shook his head, "I will and in fact we don't have time to loose" tk said gearing up. nancy and tommy looked at each other but stayed quiet.

tk grabbed the medical bag and got down on his stomach using the palms of his gloved hands to pull himself across the ice, it looked very unsafe.

he wondered why anyone would even go on it in the first place, the word unsafe reminded him of the last time he kissed carlos, it was a week ago today, because since all the storms started they've simply been too busy.


"i'm gonna miss you tk" carlos said wrapping his arms around tk's neck, "me too, I get sad when i'm not with you" tk frowned and looked up at carlos, "I do too, but it's only temporary we both gotta go save lives, and these storms, well they are not going to stop just because we want to be together" carlos joked.

"you know what, your right. but i'm gonna miss you los" tk said, carlos kissed tk, "i'm gonna miss you too, stay safe ok? don't get yourself into trouble" carlos said, tk jokingly rolled his eyes. "ugh I won't! I love you" tk said walking away, "I love you too" carlos shouted and tk turned around blew him a kiss and then turned the corner.

*end of flashback*

tk felt sad, because two days later they had broken up, they had been through so much to to break it off. Tk was scared, and really so was Carlos, Carlos said they knew when it had to be over, and Tk feared he made the wrong decision.

"tk!" tk's mind snapped out of his daydream, "abort! the ice is not steady enough you'll fal-" tommy was cut off by a screaming tk as he fell through the ice.

"carlos?" tommy said into the phone

"oh tommy? why are you on tk's phone?" carlos asked, you could hear curiosity and anxiety laced in his voice.

"it's tk....he's underwater"

who's excited for 9-1-1 lone star season three?

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