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Ashley's(Girlfriend) P.O.V.
After the interview it all made sense...a week ago, while preparing for the double date me and Carol was planned, she texted me saying that she's gonna have to cancel double date. I was confused, but didn't questioned it because there could have been multiple reasons why she canceled it. After the interview, I couldn't help but feel betrayed and after locking myself in my room I decided to call Carol and try to settle this...well I did until I realize that she blocked me. My father sent out agents to her house to go grab her and bring her her, but to our dismay...she wasn't there...well she doesn't live there anymore. Where did she go? We tried everything to find out where she is now, but it's like she disappeared. So then we tried finding her roommate, Sunday, but it turned out to be the same results. Now where did she go? I was on my phone one night laying in my bed when I came across a picture of her and Whitty together happy and smiling with a message saying "Finally free from Dearest!" on it. I threw my phone on my bed. I thought we were best friends...till the end...

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