Chapter 50

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Shanya's POV

5 months later

Saturday 7:00 AM

"Here, drink this, Lilli says it's ok," Leah hands me a cup with Andrews as I sit on the floor in front of the toilet in her room. I quickly drink it down while wiggling my nose as the bubbles tickle it.

"Alright tek dis, she says it will settle your stomach for the ceremony but as soon as you feel like you're going to be sick you should take another two," she says and hands me two pills and a bottle of water. I hate taking pills, but I want to feel better for my wedding day.

"I'll have the pills on me so just signal to me when you need them, ok?" Leah says and I nod.

Leah hasn't officially moved back to Mona yet even though she no longer needs protection. Things have gone back to normal since Shane's death, but Leah has stayed to help plan my wedding. If I'm honest, I really don't want her to leave.

"Who went for the pills?" I ask her and she grins.

"Jubba, I told him that Lilli is sending last-minute decorations, she put the pills in the bottom of the box," she shares, and I can't help but laugh.

Last week I found out that I'm pregnant and only Lilli and Leah knows. I want to surprise Alex today, but the morning sickness is making it hard to keep it a secret.

I was due to take my birth control shot two months ago and I decided that I wasn't going to take it. I didn't tell Alex that I was doing this because I didn't want him to get his hopes up. Lilli said that it might take a while for me to get pregnant after coming off birth control, I had no idea that it would happen so quickly.

Alex is worried about me because he thinks that I'm stressed and that's why I haven't been eating. He caught me throwing up one morning and brought me to his mother, but she already knew that I was pregnant.

Tricia is coming back for the wedding, but she wasn't here, and I needed to ensure that everything was ok with my baby, so I went to Lilli as soon as I saw the plus on the pregnancy test. I feel comfortable with her knowing that she was there when I had the abortion and now, she's here helping me with the child that I actually want.

I know that Alex is willing to wait until after I finish school and settle into my career, but I know it's a sacrifice he's making for me. He has made so many sacrifices for this relationship and I think it's time I did something for him.

I start my final year of university next month and I plan to attend right throughout my pregnancy. I can't wait to share the news with Alex.

"Come let me help you up," Leah says and helps me to stand.

"Go lay down, I will wake you when the hair and makeup team arrive," she says and ushers me into the bedroom.

She helps me climb in and then pulls the sheet over my body.

"Thanks, Lee," I say and close my eyes.

I feel when she kisses my forehead and then I hear her leave the room.

Alex's POV

Saturday 9:00 AM

"I think she's having second thoughts," I say to Dane, Jubba, Ethan and Omar as we sit in Dane's living room.

"Nya nah have not a second thoughts, her impatient ass probably dying for two o'clock to get here," Ethan says and laughs.

"Something is off about her, she's hardly eating, she's sleeping more than normal, she's not as upbeat or chatty, I know something is wrong," I explain and watch them all exchange glances.

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