| Chapter Eighteen | He left ?

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No One's POV

Rick has Lexa and Roan go with the rest of the group in the car as he stays by Carl and Carol.

"Where's Daryl?" Carol asks.

"He left. We ran into his brother. He didn't wanna leave him." Rick says.

"He left? Daryl left? He's gone? Is he coming back? Wh-what the hell are we gonna tell Octavia? We just got her back.. twice. She just found out she lost her mother, we both watched T die as he saved us and then the one person she could always count on— besides the two of you, Maggie, and Glenn— leaves?" Carol asks.

Rick looks down.

"This is gonna destroy her. 8 months we didn't know if she was dead or alive! It tore Daryl to shreds! She comes back and we almost lose her again.. Daryl— a-again— almost completely losing it. A-And then he just up and leaves?" Carol asks.

"I don't know... I punched him." Rick says.

Carol and Carl look at him in shock.

"He told me to take care of my kids. Say bye to everyone.. he said that Octavia would be alright and that she's tough. I just- I lost it. I punched him and told him that he doesn't ever come near her. That I trusted him to never hurt her. To protect her. I know this is gonna destroy her for god knows how long and I'm sane enough to know that I am not stable enough to be the father my kids need me to be right now.. but im gonna try my best. You and your sisters need me and I'm sorry I'm not doing a good job at that." Rick says the last part to Carl.

Carl takes his fathers hand.

"We just gotta be there for O this time. She needs us. We'll get through all of this. As a family." Carl says.

Rick smiles and nods.

"Come on." Rick says.


"We're weak without him." Beth says.

"We have Octavia." Carol says.

"But who's gonna have her back? It's usually her and Daryl or her and Rick. Rick hasn't exactly been there for anyone since Lori." Beth says.

"He'll come around. We just all have to protect each other. Octavia has a whole other group and she said they'll help us out." Carol says.

"Still. He just left her after all the pain he was supposedly in over her. Anyone would be lucky to have Octavia. Apart from her beauty, she's loyal and strong. She's been through so much and we just got her back. I hope this doesn't do too much damage." Beth says.

Carol stayed silent. She knew Octavia would be lost for a while. But she had faith Octavia would be okay in the long run.


Rick walks into the main room where Octavia stood with Lexa and Roan. A worried look on her face as she looked at a sad Lexa and disappointed Roan.

Octavia turns to Rick, hearing his footsteps.

"Dad!" Octavia exclaims and jumps into his open arms.

"Thank god, you're okay!" Octavia says.

Rick kisses her temple.

"Where's Daryl?" Octavia asks, as they pull away.

Rick sighs and looks down.

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