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       Felix moaned as he woke up, arms kept him from moving.

    "Stop squirming..." Hyunjin muttered his breath fanning the back of Felix's neck.

   "Wanna face you." Felix muttered.

   Hyunjin sighed loosening his grip allowing the younger to flip and face him. 

    Felix reached up and started to play with the necklace around Hyunjin's neck.

    "It's a Dahlia represents the mafia." Hyunjin murmured.

   Felix hummed.

   "So what does this represent?" Felix questioned tracing the snake tattoo that wrapped around Hyunjin's upper arm.

    "Wisdom, knowledge, and patience." Hyunjin told him.

     "One of those things you are not." Felix smiled.

    Hyunjin opened one of his eyes with a smile.

   "And which would that be?" Hyunjin questioned.

    "You are anything but patient." Felix laughed.

   "What is that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin questioned now both his eyes open and looking at Felix.

    "It means my love that you aren't patient. You got irritated with your secretary when she took too long in finding documents for you." Felix stated. 

   Hyunjin sat up slightly leaning on his elbow.

   "I got irritated because she was flirting with me while you were right there." Hyunjin stated.

    Felix hummed.

    "Merry Christmas love." Felix smiled giving the older a kiss.

    Hyunjin smiled.

   "Merry Christmas darling." Hyunjin muttered.

    "We should wake up Izzy." Felix stated.

      Hyunjin hummed trailing small kisses down Felix's jaw.

   "We have some time." The older blond mumbled against Felixs' jaw.

   Felix hummed closing his eyes.

   "I suppose we do."

      Hyunjin continued his antics.

   "Yuck!" Izidora squealed closing her eyes.

    Just like the speed of light Hyunjin pulled away and sat on the bed next to Felix pulling up the cover to cover his chest.

    "Izzy, baby uhm, when did you come in here?" Felix asked nervously.

   "Just a few seconds ago." She muttered climbing onto the bed.

     Felix let out small breath of relief. Hyunjin reached over picking his shirt up and putting it on.

   "Merry Christmas baby." Hyunjin smiled at the small girl.

  "Merry Christmas, papa and daddy!" The girl smiled sweetly.

    Felix and Hyunjin's breath caught in their throat. Neither of them really sure what to say.

     "Merry Christmas sweetpea." Felix smiled softly.

    The girl hopped off the bed with a small smile.

  "Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked.

   "Wanna see the presents Santa left!" The girl giggled running off.

    Felix looked at Hyunjin with a small smile.

      "Did you hear her?" Felix asked.

    Hyunjin nodded with that same small smile.

    Hyunjin did quite enjoy the tingly feeling of happiness he felt when Izidora said what she said but, he couldn't help but, worry that if anyone from a rivaling mafia or even gang found out about Izidora or Felix they could get hurt because of him.

     "Love, what is wrong?" Felix questioned threading his fingers through Hyunjin's hair.

    Hyunjin chewed on his bottom lip.

    "I'm worried is all." Hyunjin muttered   pulling Felix into his lap, letting his hands rest on the youngers hips.

   Felix bit his inner cheek. Ever since Hyunjin told him about who he really is the older has been on edge thinking that at any moment he or Izidora could get hurt because of him.

     "Love, we are fine. Izidora and I are fine." Felix smiled peppering light kisses all over the olders face.

    Hyunjin let out a soft sigh.

   "I know right now you guys are fine but, what if something happens? What if because of what I do, you or Izidora get put in harms way? I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing it was my fault for one of you getting hurt." Hyunjin told him.

    Felix was extremely happy that his now lover was sharing his worries and thoughts with him. It felt nice knowing what your partner was thinking.

   "I can't say that nothing will happen because that would be a lie. Something might happen. But, it doesn't mean that it is your fault. I know you, you wouldn't purposely put Izzy or I danger. Yes, there is a possibility of something happening but, until we have to cross that bridge, let's enjoy this time with Izzy. Let's watch her open her presents.

    I understand your worries about us getting hurt. But I also know that if you think of it too much it will drive you crazy and put you on edge. So, let's enjoy sometime with our baby." Felix kissed Hyunjin softly.

     Hyunjin kissed back softly a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

   "Of course darling. Let's go spend some time with our baby." Hyunjin smiled.

    oop short chapter. Next chapter will be fluffy, sweet, and longer.

     On a side note, is it too much to ask for cuddles, hugs, kisses and love like that is all I want rn. I am jut feeling soft at the moment.

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