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     "It looks like Santa threw up in here." Felix stated looking around the house.

    "I think that is the point." Jisung laughed a little.

    "But, like this?" Felix poked the snowflakes on the wall.

   "Lix, we do this every year. What's the matter?" Jisung questioned concerned.

    There was something bothering Felix and Jisung could see it, but it just seemed like Felix was trying to hide it.

   "Hey, I'm home.!" Chan called out.

   Felix looked over to the front door a little shocked considering Chan said they had a case.

   "Channie. I thought you had a case." Felix gave him a weak smile going and hugging him.

   "I do, but it is local. The director is have the team look into a Mafia or something of the sort." Chan smiled.

   For a second Felix faltered. His lover was going from doing an already dangerous job to doing an even more serious and Dangerous job.

    "Your joking right?" Felix questioned pulling away from Chan.

   He really didn't mean to say that out loud.

    "No. Why would I joke about this?" Chan questioned

   "Chan, your job is already dangerous as is. Now, you are basically putting yourself on a kill list for a Mafia! A Mafia that is most definitely full of trained killers! I love you and a I love that you help people but, you are putting yourself and your team at risk by doing this!" Felix exclaimed knowing there was a blatant lie in that statement.

    "And if I don't do it? Even more people could be hurt! The team knows how to protect themselves. I know how to protect myself and you'll be fine as well." Chan stated.

   "And what if some of those people desecre it? Because if you are talking about the Dahlia Mafia they only go after people who have done some serious stuff." Felix shot back, shocking himself and the two other males in the room.

    "Even so, they can't just take justice into their hands." Chan spoke.

    "I need to leave." Felix muttered grabbing his coat.

    "Lix, where are you going.?" Chan questioned.

   "I just need to be anywhere but, here right now. I'm sorry." Felix spoke grabbing his keys and leaving the house.

    He just needed to be anywhere but there.

    He honestly didn't know what came over him when he said that. Maybe it was the pent up stress and well contempt for his lover's job but, it was something. 

    Jisung sighed putting the left over decorations away.

    Chan was still looking at the door seemingly shocked and upset.

   "Did I do something wrong?" Chan questioned the younger male.

   Jisung stopped what he was doing and looked to Chan.

   "I... You need to figure that out yourself... But, you have to understand that what happened just now, would've have happened eventually. You also need to talk with Lix and not get upset with him when he brings up certain topics. You both are creating a rift that might not be fixable." Jisung told the older continuing to put the left over decorations away.

    Chan bit his lip.

     'Am I being unfair to him?' Chan questioned himself.

      Hyunjin groaned as he stood up. The meeting took long than expected and now he just wanted to go home even though it was only 2 in the afternoon.

    "Are there anymore meetings for the next hour?" Hyunjin asked Minho.

   "Nope. Now, if you will excuse me I am going to go call Jisung." Minho muttered leaving to his office.
   Hyunjin clicked his tongue.

    Going back to his office he grabbed his coat and keys deciding to head to Sana's diner for a quick lunch.

    It did take long to reach the small diner.

   "Sana, I am fine I just wanted to come hang out here for a bit." Felix stated

   The female sighed and looked to the door that just opened.

   "Hyunjin hey, I'll be with you in a moment." The female smiled turning back to Felix.

  "Fine, I'll leave It be but, seriously lix talk to someone if you need too." Sana said leaving to the counter where Hyunjin was waiting.

    "Hey, what can I get you?" Sana asked.

   "Just what I usually have." Hyunjin smiled.

    "Okay, go take a seat I'll have Momo bring it out." Sana told him.

    Hyunjin nodded and paid.

    Felix had his head rested on his hand as he looked out the window of the diner. It was bound to start snowing soon and Felix could tell.

    "We seem to be here at the same time again." Hyunjin's voice cut through all Felix's thoughts.

     Felix turned and looked at the taller blond.

   "That appears to be true." Felix muttered.

   Hyunjin frowned sitting down.

    "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Hyunjin asked

     Felix sighed.

    "My boyfriend is about to start something very stupid and I don't even know. I guess I am just frustrated and I'm not just frustrated at him I am frustrated at his boss for even suggesting it. I get Chan's job is naturally dangerous but, what he is about to do is even worse.

   Because now, not only is he and his team being put once again in a dangerous situation what they are about to do is going to put their loved ones at risk. But, the difference between Chan's loved ones and his team's loved ones, is that the other four members of his team are dating each other and they know how to protect themselves because they work in dangerous situations all the time

    As for me, I don't. I don't work in these stupidly dangerous situations. He isn't realizing how dangerous this could really be." Felix exploded.

   Hyunjin was a bit surprised. It seemed like the younger had a lot of pent up emotions about his boyfriends work.

   Felix huffed putting his head down on the table.

   "Sorry, just a little frustrated." He muttered.

   Hyunjin let out a little chuckle.

  "Just a little bit." Hyunjin teased.

    Felix kicked the males leg lightly, but laughed a little.

    "Have you tried talking to him about it.?" Hyunjin asked.

   "I have but, he seems to get upset when I mention anything to do with him and his work. Work has always come before everything for him and sometimes it is too much... but, still I stay because I want to support him and I don't want to be selfish and leave because of his work." Felix sighed.

   Hyunjin's brows drew together like he was confused.

     Why does it seem like he is giving up on what he wants just to be with this guy?

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