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Ryan's POV
I helped Hope kill the vampires, wolves, and the witch that made the spell. We then danced, and drank. She fed on some humans, and only killed three. Hope said, " Ry, let's get out of here. I want another kind of fun."

She kissed my lips, and I said, " Mm. Let's get out of here."

We went outside of the bar, only to be blocked by the Saltzman twins, Alaric, and a woman I didn't know.

Hope said, " Wonder Twins, Ric, and Jo. What's the meaning of this?"

Jo said, " We want to help you."

I said, " There's no helping her. Leave her alone."

Lizzie said, " See I knew you were on her side the moment you walked into the school. You denied our help, even tho I could see you look out of the corner of your eye at something. See, Dad had installed cameras in his office, and seen Hope break in, and seen weapons. But, you also missed something."

Josie held a paper, and I said, " Seriously, Hope?! Why would you leave that?!"

Hope said, " I didn't drop anything. I left it there on purpose, so they would find us."

Alaric said, " Why would you leave it on purpose?"

I said, " Just like I knew they wouldn't leave me alone."

Hope turned around, and held onto someone's arm that has a needle in it. I turned around, and it's Hope's Aunt. Hope started squeezing her Aunts hand, until the needle fell.

Rebekah said, " Bloody Hell! Couldn't you at least keep up the conversation?"

Alaric said, " Sorry. I didn't realize how sensitive her hearing is."

Hope said, " She is part Vampire, and Wolf. She is also standing right here."

I said, " Just leave us be. We are perfectly fine. It's not like she's murdering multiple villages!"

Rebekah said, " We won't cause she is family."

I said, " Hope, Let's go."

Hope said, " Hold on."

She raised her hand, and said, " Ad somnum."

Rebekah, the twins, Jo and Alaric passed out. I said, " Nice."

She said, " Now, we can go."

We got in the car, and drove to the hotel.

We arrived at the hotel, and got out of the car. Hope kissed my lips, and I pulled away.

She said, " What's wrong? I thought you wanted to have some fun."

I said, " Hope, you have no idea how badly I want you."

She said, " Then what's the problem."

I kissed her lips, and my arms went around her neck. I then twisted, and snapped her neck. She collapsed into my arms.

I laid her in the car, and I called Davina.

She answered, and said, " Clarke, what do you want? You made it perfectly clear you aren't going to help us."

I said, " Yeah, well I changed my mind. I'm driving into Mystic Falls with Hope. I snapped her neck, text me where to meet you."

She said, " Wow. How did she let you snap her neck?"

I said, " I'll explain when I get there."

I hung up, and then a text came in from Davina.

I then drove to the address in Mystic Falls.

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