3. Promises

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 I woke up in the mid night it was nearing 3am went to washroom and came back. I saw a letter on the table under water bottle. It read as follows,


TO ,


I don't know how to react .I am giving you a big list of some promises that you have to make if you really love me.

I want you to respect my parents the way you respect yours. And I promise you that I always will respect and take good care of your parents.

I want you to make an effort to at least understand my feelings. I promise you that I will do my best to understand you.

I always wanted to study more and more please promise me that you will make me continue my education.

In this busy world we might be so much occupied by our work but promise me one thing that we will always have our breakfast and dinner together.

Yes, we will have some difference of opinion and might end up fighting with each other, but that doesn't mean I will give up on you, never. Promise me that you will never ever give up on me.

I want you to be proud of having me. I promise I will never let you down and will always be proud to have you in my life.

I don't want a big car or a palace to live. Nah! We together will build our own sweet home our own empire where we will live happily with our family.

I will never ask you to treat me like a princess. I just want you to treat me the way I am.

I am ready to change myself for you but later on please don't say that I have changed and I am not the same as I was before.

If you don't want me to work, it's ok I will not. But that doesn't mean that I am lazy or something else. Yes you know that I am very much fond of reading books so please don't ask me to quit that habit.

I don't want your credit cards while I am going out. I want you by my side to spend your precious time with and for me, not just your money. I am not interested in your ATM pins. I am interested in you

Whenever we fight please don't leave me, sit with me even if we don't talk to each other, it's ok please be there with me always.

Ask me for the suggestions, I may not be able to come up with great ideas, but I will try my best to help you.

Please be honest to me. Be open and tell me whenever I am wrong, yah I might not accept it at once but I will surely try to correct myself.

If there is anything that is bothering you, please be free to share them with me. I know I suck at consoling people but yes I can be the ear that listens to you.

Apart from being husband and wife, we are best friends, with that our bond should grow stronger. Even after years of marriage we will not let our love fade.

P.S. If you are ok with this then my answer is YES. And it will be my pleasure to become your life partner

Forever Yours,

Rajkumari Avanti  :)

I was overwhelmed and it started to rain heavily inside my heart and outside. I went back to sleep with a biggest smile on my face.

It is weekend and it was 10 when I woke up, my Amma was shouting at me from kitchen asking me to wake up and get ready. They all had planned to go for malls for shopping. I and my Rajkumari hate shopping but still we go to do window shopping most of the times. Finally I came out after taking bath and had my breakfast. My Amma kept staring at me as if she was expecting me to tell something. Even Appa looked at me once and again continued to read his news paper. I know what they meant so I told Amma that I need some time. I saw a happy smile back on my Rajkumari's face. I was happy too. I was on cloud 9. But right now I decided not to tell anything about it to our parents, as I had some other plans to tell them.

Later we went to Mantri mall, one of the biggest malls in Bangalore. Aunty called me and asked "Vinu be with Avanti she will be seeing things and will be left behind. And she will panic then". Yah she wants to see everything but while doing so she gets missed in crowd. So someone needs to be with her. She is scared of crowds, so only she searches for shortcuts to go on a less traffic roads back there in Mysore. And Bangalore traffic is a scariest thing for her. As asked by aunty I made sure I was with her and actually this is what we wanted too, more time to spend together. After 2 hours both moms came with big bags in their hands. After which aunty and Amma said they want to go to Malleshwaram, a place for good and low price items. Meanwhile Appa and uncle went to a temple while I and Rajkumari followed our Amma.

My Amma bought so many items for my flat as she feels it's gloomy and I have no taste. In the evening we went to Lalbagh. Later we roamed on the streets of Jayanagar and went to Food Street and had nice chats and other things. We came back home around 10.30. We all were tired so much after a long shopping. Suddenly Rajkumari came to drawing room and asked anyone wants coffee. It's like a rule in our house that they will never say no to coffee. And so again a long coffee session happened before going to bed.

All of us woke up late as it was Sunday and even the maid was on leave. It was dosa day in home, so a feast for me. I brushed my teeth and came out. Amma started a lecture on me for being so lazy. In the evening when we were having tea and some snacks, Appa started the topic of marriage again and asked me what my decision was. I said that I was ok with their proposal but had some conditions for them. Only if they agree for those conditions then I will get married to Avanti.

They said ok and I started my conditions,

"I and Avanti will be married but she will continue her studies in Mysore only as her admission are already done, and I will be coming to Mysore every week."

"Unless and until she finishes her education, no one should force us to have kids. It's ok even if people will ask you many questions. If something happens, then those people who asked for our children will never come to help."

"After marriage she will be looked after as a daughter of this house and not as daughter in law. Nobody will stop her from things she want to do."

"If you guys are ok with this then I don't have any problem in marring her." no one expected this from me actually and Rajkumari was in utter shock to listen this. But gratefully both the parents were ok with the conditions and they planned to go to the astrologer and get the dates for the marriage.

The kundalis were matched and the auspicious day for our marriage got fixed. And finally both the families were happy as their friendship is now turned into a relationship. We never thought this would happen so soon, just a week back she was teasing me and now we will be getting married. The news of our marriage spread all around the family. Though it was accepted by family and relatives, it was bit difficult to make her relatives understand.

Soon her college also started. Uncle bought her a new phone. Now the phone calls increased from weekly once to daily once. Though she used be busy. She used to talk to me at least for 15 mins a day while she prepared dinner for her grandparents. Along with her B.com she joined for HR certificate course of 1 year. After me forcing her for long time, she stood for the student elections in her class and also got elected as a cultural secretary of the college. Though she didn't make many friends in her class, Disha and Kavana became close to her. Most of her classmates thought she was having high attitude and very strict by the looking at her.

By end of June our engagement was done. We asked for a simple marriage but our parents didn't want it as we are the only child in the house. And our marriage was fixed on December 24th and 25th.

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