5. Avanthi Weds Vinay

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I got leave from 22nd dec. I came to Mysore home and saw all my cousins and relatives busy with all the rituals. It was same in her house also. We sent each other the pics of things happening around us. Finally our marriage is happening. It's a typical South Indian Wedding. As children we used to love those rituals but now we understand that it's not so easy. It was so many rituals. As it was given to wedding planners, the work was bit easy. She used to send all the pics like her haldi, mehandi etc. seeing those happy faces of our grandparents and parents was beyond words.

On the 24th afternoon my family was welcomed by their family. The marriage hall was fully decorated. After the lunch some more rituals of greeting and other things were done. But still I have not seen her. In the evening it was a ritual of 'varapuja', where I was made to wear the new cloths given by her parents and they washed my feet and blessed me. The same was done to her but we were not allowed to see each other. In the night a special dinner was arranged for all of us. Mean while I texted her that I wanted to see her. She replied back telling they have not fineshed the photo session along with a smiley .Her Aunt sent her for having dinner. It was the last set of people going for dinner and it was only our parents, cousins and us. She had not yet changed her saree.

She came into the dining hall with her brothers. Her long hair had been decorated so beautifully with jasmine. As we call it 'moggina jade', those hands full of green bangles, in her light pink saree with matching big jhumkas, her nose ring was replaced by a diamond nose stud which was shining bright like her eyes, she had a minimal makeup done, her anklets making sound on every step giving signal of her coming. She was looking like a Goddess. My Gundu Gowramma. (My chubby Goddess). As there was no seat in the row where I was sitting, she sat in the opposite row with her cousins. She saw me and gave me her smile. I sat there making actions telling her smile is killing me. Till the dinner was over we were just talking with our eyes and making actions when no one was seeing us.

Night we were busy with talking with our families, many of my friends left by 11pm. My best friends finally left me to sleep at 3 am that to after me telling that I have to wake up at 6 as the Pooja starts at 6.30. Before sleeping I went out of room and still saw that she was busy with her sisters chatting and preparing for tomorrow. But still I didn't understand why she had not called any of her B.com friends but when I asked she just said "I don't want anyone in the college to get to know that I am married, or else they will tease me." She had not even called Disha or Kavana.

Finally the D-Day has come. Appa woke me at 5 and asked me to get ready and come down. I took bath and came Appa gave me the silk dhoti and asked me to wear it, we went down and the rituals started. They did a homa and changed my upavitham (thread); later the kashi yathra was done. Meanwhile in her room the Gowri Pooja was done. Later they were about to bring her to the mantapam. And the shalya (silk cloth) was bought between us. Her uncle bought her and after some shlokas. Her brothers lifted her, as we both have to put jeera and jaggery on each other's head.

As soon the cloth was removed, what I saw was a cute Rajkumari in her white and red saree. With big pearl jhumkas and many other kinds of jewels, she looked like goddess Lakshmi, except the crown missing. Later on they started the process of kanyadhanam. And then she was made to sit next to me. Later when I was about to tie the Mangalyam, I could see her eyes filled, but she still had her bright smile on her face. Later all the other ladies including Amma did Pooja for that Mangalyam.

Our grandparents were sitting in the front row. The smile on their face and those eyes were beaming with happiness was priceless. Later many rituals like saptapadi (the seven vows) and others were done. After that we were made to play some games as a part of some rituals. After that all the relatives one by one came and blessed us. At last we were taken for a special lunch. That's the main attraction where everyone wants us to feed each other for photos. After lunch officially she was sent to our house. She was made to sit on my parents lap as it is a ritual saying that we are sending our house Lakshmi to your house. After all these rituals were done we got some 2 hours to relax before getting ready for the reception.

In the evening, my purple shirt and navy blue suit was matching to her purple lehenga. As we entered the stage we saw all our friends and relatives. We saw the uncle in whose son's marriage our marriage decision was taken by our parents. We saw that couple to on whom we had made fun of giving those plastic smiles. Today it was our turn to give those kinds of smiles. Thinking of that only we saw each other's face and started laughing. The best thing of marriages is that we get to meet many of our relatives whom we have never met in all these years. Friends whom we were not in touch with will also come to greet you. Meeting your old gangs, teachers are just so beautiful.

After our marriage her maternal grandparents were taken to her uncle's house in Hassan as she stays in our home with my parents. We went to Kerala for our honeymoon. We celebrated our first new year together in my Bangalore house. The next day she left to Mysore as her college was to start. My grandparents were very happy as they have a new chatter box in the house. Yah, that's Rajkumari. My birthday was more special as I was not only home but I was with my Rajkumari and my best friends who are now her brothers. She was studying and on the other hand was helping my Amma in all the house hold works. By the end of March  Appa also got retired from his job But he did not want to be in home doing nothing. So he started to work with one of his friend.

In mid April it was her friend Kavana's birthday so she went for the party. She usually doesn't go for parties and all. As it was a Friday night and had a holiday next day due to some function in the college. They enjoyed a lot. It was nearing 12 when she called me and asked me to pick her up. I was there by 15 mins and both Disha and Kavana along with their families were sitting and chatting with Rajkumari. I called her but she didn't pick the phone. So I went in and they were surprised to see a stranger entering the party hall. Seeing them she turned back and came to me. Now they were in shock thinking why Avanti went to that stranger guy.

She took my hand and walked backed towards her friends and after seeing a big question mark on everyone's face she introduced me to them telling I am her husband. Neither did the people sitting there nor did I believed what she said. I was shocked because she had told me that she didn't want any of her college mates to know about the marriage. Later after telling them the whole story they believed that I was her husband. After some time we all left to our respective homes.

After coming back to home I was curious to know why she suddenly revealed about our marriage. She said it was ok and she trusts her friends and their families. So there was no harm and they won't tell anyone in the college.

Months passed so soon and it was already a year. Yes it was our First Anniversary...The flat which I used to stay; I bought that flat and its all ours now and it was the best gift I could give her. This time her exams got over soon and I also got some compensatory leave. But we didn't go out. We spent all 10 days in our flat, playing, dancing renovating the flat. On 25th dec we did a small function as a part of our anniversary and also the housing ceremony. After New Year she went back to Mysore.

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