Maiami Championship Begins! Sora's True Identity

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Outside You Show Duel School

The Yu Show gang was standing outside You Show, while Shark looks sleepy.

"Didn't get much sleep ?" Sora asked.

"No.. I was working on my deck all night." Shark replied as he rubbed his eyes.

"Today is the day!" Shuzo yelled. "To think all of you qualified for Maiami Championship.. I'm so proud of you guys!" He teared up while he tried to hug them, but the gang dodge him as he landed on the floor.

"You're too exited dad!" Yuzu yelled in embarassment.

"Yeah! We haven't even arrived at Stadium yet!" Ayu added.

After explanation about Tournament rules, they entered the van and they were on the way to the Stadium.

"Wait! Where's Yuya ?!" Yuzu yelled.

"Yuya nii-chan isn't here!" The kids yelled in unison.

"Calm down. Yuya will be back for sure." Shark said.

"How can you be so sure ?" Tatsuya asked.

"Because Yuya isn't type of person to ran away. And beside, he did work really hard to enter this Tournament and it wouldn't make sense if he back away now." Shark explained.

"He does have a point." Sora pointed out.

"Now let's enter the Stadium, I'm sure Yuya will show up soon." Shark suggested as everyone seems unsure, but still agreed and enter the Stadium.

Stadium Lobby

As You Show gang enter the Stadium, they waiting in lobby for Yuya to arrive. However, Shuzo become paranoid and decided to search him.

"Are you sure he will show up ?" Tatsuya asked, still unsure.

"One hundred percent." Shark answered while he looked through his deck.

"But where is he ?" Yuzu asked as she put her hand on her chin.

"Oh.. it's true that my darling hasn't come yet ?" Suddenly, they heared Mieru say with magical ball in her hand.

"Your.. darling ?!" Yuzu bursted into flames as she giving Mieru a death glare.

"Can it be ? My darling snuck to meet my father and mother. What a surprise." She said with blushed.

"There's no way he would do that!" Yuzu said while she surrounding by red aura and held her paper fan in her hand.

"Yuzu nee-chan calm down!" Tatsuya pleaded.

Shark sweatdropped at the scene. "Tsundere.."

"Where is he ? Tournament ceremony is about to start." Ayu wondered.

"Look." Shark pointed out as Yuya was ran up to them. "There he is."

"Yuya! Where were you been ?!" Yuzu asked while she grabbing his hands. "I was worried about you."

"I'm sorry." Yuya apologized. "I had to take care of something. Now let's go to the line up so that we can enter the Stadium."

Everyone nodded as they walkep up before Yuya accidentally bumped into someone.

"It's been a while weakling." Yuya childhood bully, Gen said. "I thought you would ran away like your old man did."

Yuya gritted his teeth in anger.

"I'll never accept someone like you beating Strong Ishijima." He pointed out. "Why don't we-" He never be able to continued his sentence because someone punched him in his guts, making him grunted in pain. Before he got the change to get up, someone grabbed him in the collar. He looked at the person, revealing Shark in his 'Shark Drake' mode.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: Territory of the SharkWhere stories live. Discover now