Part 18

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A: How do you have those?
B: Uh last night when we were dancing um Toni I think kinda got a little kinky with everyone including me and she started kissing my boobs
A: Don't bullshit me!
B: I-I'm not
A: Tell me the truth right now or I swear to g-
B: Jughead! Last night I slept with Jughead.
A: You cheating bitch
Betty slaps him
B: You slept with Veronica!
A: Yeah I did during that night at Cheryl like everyone else.
B: Nope. When Veronica and Reggie broke up you slept with her straight away.
A: You know about that?
B: Yep.
A: Look I'm sorry but you still cheated!
B: We're done.
Betty throws her engagement ring back at him.
B: I'll pack and I'll be gone.

Jugheads place

Betty knocks
J: Betty?
B: Hey Jug I was wondering if maybe I could stay here a while
Betty puts her hand on Jugheads chest
Jughead steps back
J: No.
B: What?
J: Look obviously things are over with Archie but you chose him so I'm sorry Betty but me and you we're over.
B: Jug..
J: Goodbye Betty
B: Wait
J: What
B: About me and Veronica. I'm bisexual. Please don't tell anyone but I wanted you to know.
Jughead nods his head and shuts the door


V: Hey Betty what's up?
B: Is Reggie here?
V: Uh no he left for New York about two hours ago.
B: Good
Betty goes in and kisses Veronica
V: Hmm that was nice.
B: Can I live here? Me and Archie are over
V: I like the sounds of that
Veronica picks up Betty and they start kissing


Betty Narrating:

In the past few months things have changed. I'm still living with Veronica and we're hooking up in secret. We're just friends but we basically do everything a couple does when we're in the apartment. We haven't gone on any dates yet. Toni and Fangs are officially divorced and Cheryl and Toni are dating. Fangs and Toni have shared custody of Anthony. My mum and Frank are engaged. Tabitha is doing a lot better and just started dating some guy I forgot his name. Archie is doing ok too I think. I haven't spoken to Jug in three months. I see him around but we never speak. Reggie has visited once since he left and him and Veronica hooked up which I'm totally okay with. Veronica came out as bi about two months ago. I still haven't came out. I told everyone that was at the club that night that night that I was just me experimenting and I'm not bi. Only Jughead and Veronica know the truth.


B: I'm home
Veronica goes up to Betty holds her cheek and kisses her
V: Hi
B: Hi
V: So do you want to go to pops later?
B: Sure sounds fun
Betty puts her arms around Veronicas waist
V: Are we dating?
B: I don't think so
V: I mean we go to pops all the time. We've been out to dinner at fancy restaurants that "weren't" dates. We kiss and do all the couplely stuff when we're in the apartment. I like you.
B: I like you too.
V: So why don't we go on a date?
B: Hmm I'm down
V: I can't wait
B: Tonight 8pm. That fancy restaurant down the street from the old register.
V: Can't wait baby.
Betty whispers
B: And if it goes well and we have a few more I might even ask you to be my girlfriend
V: Nothing in the world would make me happier

The date goes really well and they hookup that night. And they keep going on dates for a few weeks and Betty is about to ask Veronica to be
her girlfriend

B: Hey smoke show
V: Hey baby.
Betty holds Veronicas waist
B: I need to ask you something very important
V: Go ahead
B: These past few months with you have been amazing so I want to ask you will you be my gi-
The doorbell rings
B: Ugh I better get that
V: Then will you ask me the very important question
B: Oh yeah you bet I will
Veronica kisses Betty passionately
The doorbell rings again
B: Ugh I forgot about that
Betty opens the door
J: Betty, I need to tell you something
B: Jughead?
J: I'm so sorry for everything I've done it's just with the whole Archie thing made me think I couldn't be be with you but I can I love you so much.
B: Uh Jug um I don't know
J: What?
B: Um there's kinda something going on between me and V
J: Oh so are you guys are dating
B: Well we've been on a few dates but it's not a official so I just need time to decide
J: Yeah I understand, I waited three months to tell you and you started something with someone else if you need to choose I get it
B: Bye Jug
Betty closes the door
V: So uh hey
B: Hey V
V: I assume you don't want to ask that question anymore
B: yeah it's best that I hold off until I decided what I want to do from here
V: Yeah
B: I'm gonna sleep in the guest bedroom tonight
V: Oh you sure?
B: Yeah just for tonight while I figure what I want to do until I decide
V: Makes sense
B: Goodnight
V: Night
They both walk to there rooms
V: Wait Betty!
Betty turns around
B: Yeah?
V: These past three months have been the best three months of my entire life. You made me get over Archie so quick because Betty I love you. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else because you are so beautiful and funny and smart and you are the literal perfect human being and I don't want to spend another second without you so I hope to god that you choose me because I don't think I can handle you not.
Betty runs to Veronica and kisses her and while cupping her cheeks
B: I love you too.
Veronica chuckles
B: But I also love Jughead. I love you both so much and this is going to be impossible to decide.
V: Well who says you can't have fun while you're deciding
B: Yeah
Betty kisses her and Veronica lifts her up and takes her shirt off

Continuous Cheating- Beronica/Bughead storyWhere stories live. Discover now