Chapter 4

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It's been a month since Athena moved here. That means there is about 2 months till her baby is going to pop out of her and she is not looking forward to it. Everyone is really nice to her and wishing her the best but she doesn't see the sheriff enough to say sorry if he thought she did something wrong. But stuff happens. Athena had been getting well with her English which is good. She can't get a job yet because of the baby and stuff but she does still help around the house whilst Trevor goes to work at the farm nearby. Athena just finished eating a sandwich and decided to go on a walk to get some fresh air. "Hi Athy how are you today" Mrs green says from her front porch. "Good thank you" Athena says them starts in her walk. She passes the diner Trevor shows her when she moved here they make the best donuts ever! She decided to walk in because these pregnancy cravings are just gonna go away she's starved anyway. "Oh hi Athy how are you and the little one growing inside of you it's two months about until the baby's going to come right?" The waitress Sandy says. "Yes sorry I had to stop by these cravings are just not calming down" Athena giggles along with Sandy. "Well chocolate I'm guessing" Sandy says smiling. "You know me to well" Athena says even though Athena was better at English her accent was still there. Sandy went off to go get her a chocolate donut. The bell of the diner door went Athena turned around and saw it was the sheriff Athena turned back around. "Here you go oh my brothers here hi lee" Sandy said to her older brother. "Hello" lee said sitting down a seat away from Athena. "Now quickly tell me what you want cus im about to go on my break" Sandy says. "Hot chocolate" lee says. Sandy rushes off. Athena sat in silence eating her donut. Not wanting to make eye contact but also wanting to explain that she wasn't making fun of him in anyway. Sandy came back out and gave him his hot chocolate. "Well I'm leaving now I'll see you guys later" Sandy says. "Bye" Athena says smiling then her eyes go wide. "What's wrong" Sandy says panicking. "There's something wrong in my stomach it's like a weird feeling like a flutter what is that is there something wrong" Athena started to panic herself at the new feeling. Sandy relaxed sandys cousin had the same thing. "Ohh Athena hunny nothing wrong the baby's just kicking" Sandy said putting her hand on the girls stomach and feeling the kick. "Oh" Athena giggles and smiles widely as she touches her stomach. "Oh my goodness my baby's kicking I wonder if it's a boy or girl" Athena says she felt so happy in that moment she couldn't wait to tell her friends and Trevor. God she couldn't wait to have this baby and to hold it. "Wow I'm so happy for you" Sandy says rubbing her hand on Athenas cheek. Athena giggles at the feeling it sort of tickled her and made her feel all fluttery. "It kind of tickles its like a fluttery feeling" Athena says then looks down at her stomach. "Helloooo" she says poking her stomach. Sandy laughs at her. "Well I best get going I have to go meet with willow again I'm happy for you" Sandy gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked out. Athena smiled as Sandy walked out then looked back down at her stomach and carried on poking it. "Congrats I guess" Athena looked up and saw the sheriff was the one speaking to her. "Thank you sheriff" Athena smiled at him. The sheriff thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world and it broke his little heart when she was making fun of him. "I'm sorry if you thought I was making fun of  you in anyway I really wasn't it's just that I was talking in German about how I made you spill your drink and we were just laughing about it" Athena explains. The sheriffs eyes lit up. "Oh Um right I just thought that you were like mocking me or something" the sheriff said looking down. Athena smiled at least she wouldn't have to avoid the sheriff all the time now. "Well I must get going have a good day sheriff" Athena said walking out of the diner and making her way home.

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