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Okay, the backstory to this part is that you two got in a fight and Wesley got really mad and exploded, but like... it didn't bother you as much until you two went on an away mission together.

Yeah I like angst sometimes lol

kinda... wait nah... REALLY depressing.

*A couple months later*

Third-person pov (First time going third-person)

The ship was positioned by a planet, a dead planet that used to be filled with life 5 months ago.

"There seems to be no life on this planet whatsoever Captain." Wesley says, turning his seat to see the Captain.

"That's odd, this planet was filled with lush plants and trees." Commander Riker said.

"Is it possible that the Crystalline Entity came here as well?" Y/n asked, looking at the screen.

"That may be possible..." The Captain said, thinking about it.

"Will, assemble your away team."

Commander Riker nodded at Y/n, Wesley, Data, and Geordi.

They all got up and walked into the turbolift, which took them to the corridor that led to the closest transporter room.

When they were all transported down, Y/n used her tricorder and she opened it, finding some new soil.

Y/n smiled as she said "It's a pedologists dream down here, there are soils down here that haven't been discovered yet." (Okay a "pedologist" is essentially a soil scientist, and yes, I had to look that up lol)

Wesley scoffed, walking past Y/n without even looking at her.

Commander Riker was talking to Geordi and Data, thinking of some reasons why this planet may be dead.

"There's not one living organism on this planet, except for us." Wesley said.

Y/n kept looking at her tricorder, trying to see if something was going to change.

She looked up and stood by Wesley.

"Are you seeing that?"

Wesley grumbled back to Y/n as he walked away.

Y/n looked off into the distance and sighed softly.

Wesleys' tricorder started beeping.

"Commander, I think I found something, it's over there." Wesley pointed near a huge boulder.

Y/n ran over to where Wesley was and bumped into him on accident, the ground was uneven and she would've fallen over if her father hadn't caught her arm.

"Thanks dad." She smiles.

"I'd like you not to bump into me." Wesley said angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying my best, the ground-."

"Well, your best isn't good enough! It never will be!" Wesley shouted at Y/n before he stomped away.

Commander Riker and Y/n stood there in awe at what Wesley just said, everything went so fast, Y/n's father didn't have enough time to process what Wesley did so he could yell at him.

"Did he just say what I think he said?" Geordi asked.

"Y/n, why did he say that?"

She shrugged "I don't know, I think he's upset."

Y/n looked at her tricorder and started to walk in the opposite direction that Wesley went.

On the ship, Counselor Troi was frowning at how everyone felt on the surface.

"How is everyone feeling down there?" Captain Picard asked.

She sighed, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Well, everyone was inquisitive just a moment ago, but then all of a sudden, everyone feels... surprised and unhappy."

"Mostly Y/n and Will feel unhappy, Wesley is angry, and Geordi is surprised."

Y/n was following her tricorder as it beeped when it found something.

"I found something!" She exclaimed.

Everyone looked at her and started to make their way over to her.

Y/n stopped walking as she turned to scan with her tricorder.

All of a sudden, the ground went from underneath her, and she fell into the hole, screaming the way down.

"No!" Wesley yelled.

Commander Riker and Wesley were the closest to her, and no matter how fast they ran to get her, they were too late.

When Geordi and Data got there Riker, Wesley, and Geordi started to mourn her.

Wesley looked into the hole with disbelief.


Then Wesley tried to jump in after her, but he was stopped by Commander Riker.

"Ensign Crusher you will stay away from this hole."

Then Counselor Troi in the ship felt how everyone felt.

"Captain... she's gone."

"No! My beautiful daughter... she's gone!" She started to sob.

*Time skip to when everyone is on the ship*

And it's Wills' pov now

I paced around in my quarters, unable to sit down after what just happened.

I felt shivers go down my spine.

"I can't believe she's gone Will, I can't! She has to be down there somewhere!" Deanna sobbed as she hugged me.

"The life scans didn't show that she was down there Deanna, I'm so sorry."

Deanna sobbed even more and I wiped her tears away.

"Deanna, I know how you feel."

She sniffled as she plopped down onto a chair.

Wesleys' pov

I was laying in bed, my arms and legs spread out as I looked at the ceiling, tears streaming down my face.

I can't believe that I said that to her, I feel terrible.

I wish that I could apologize to her, but I can't.

Y/n... in case you hear this... I am so sorry.

*Later on the bridge*

Wills' pov again.

Everyone was on the bridge, -well... except Wesley- despite how they all felt.

"Alright Data, take us out of here." Captain Picard said.

All of a sudden I heard Y/n's voice from the Captains' communicator, it was quiet and weak.

"C-captain? I am alive, don't leave without me."

I turned my head to see the Captain.

Data scanned the surface.

"Captain, there is a lifeform on the planet, it is weak and it is fading."

"Chief O'Brien, lock onto Ensign Y/n and beam her up directly to Sickbay."

"Aye Captain, beaming her right now."

The Captain tapped his communicator and said "Doctor, we have a patient for you."

"We're ready, Captain."

I heard the Doctor gasp softly.

"Jean-Luc, you should come down here."

He stood up and said, "Data, you're in charge, Commander, Counselor, come with me."

Deanna and I stood up, and we went with him to Sickbay.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time || Wesley Crusher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now