Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

"Yeah I know we were planning on coming back today but we all really want to stay one more night and go to the park again tomorrow. c'mon please I'm almost 18 and we're all paying for it anyway." Currently I'm attempting to convince my parents to let us stay one more night. I do consider myself pretty convincing so if anyone can do it I could. 

"I guess you could stay one more day, seeing as it is late and I don't want you girls driving so late." My mom gave in to my pleading. I was bursting with excitement, quickly saying thank you and I love you over and over until she said she'd call later and for us to be careful. 

"Guys we can stay, until tomorrow at least." Soon everyone else erupted into cheers, by everyone I mean Julianna, Leighann, Zayna, and Niall. He had been with us since him and I got off the ride. 

"So you really get to stay?" Niall questioned. I smiled a wide grin and nodded. 

"So I hate to interrupt but where will we be staying tonight?" Julianna questioned. 

"I guess we'll see if we can extend our checkout date?" I was only half worried about where we would stay, really only focusing on the fact that we, I, could actually stay. 

"We can figure all this out later but for now let's go on some more rides" Leighann butted in. We all agreed and soon began walking, not in any specific direction. Eventually we would come to a ride, I mean it is an amusement park. We found another roller coaster and got in line. Luckily the line wasn't tremendously long so we only waited about 15 minutes or so. After the ride was over and all of us made it to the exit we needed to decide where to go next. 

"Let's go get some food?" Niall suggested. 

"Yeah Im getting hungry too" Julianna spoke up. 

"You're always hungry" I told Julianna. "But let's get some food Im hungry too" we all began walking in the direction of food. After we had all eaten our lunch which was basically a feast it was nearly 3:30. 

"How about we go and meet up with the lads?" Niall suggested. 

"Sure, let's go" 

We finally met up with all the guys after picking up Liam and Harry along the way to Chocolate World where Louis and Zayn were hiding in the cool air conditioning. 

Walking into chocolate world was incredible the scent of chocolate floated through the air and made you crave chocolate or anything covered, dipped, or made with chocolate. 

"Louis, Zayn this is Leighann, Zayna, Julianna, and Sylvia" Niall introduced everyone while pointing to who he was naming. 

After the intros which consisted of questioning Zayna about her name we decided to take a nice relaxing ride on the chocolate making tour. We then began to try and work out who was sitting with who, seeing the only 6 would fit in the car, it ended up being Niall, myself, Julianna, and Liam in one and Harry, Leighann, Zayn, Louis, and Zayna in the other. The tour started and automatically we were commenting and pointing out different things on the ride. Right before the end of the ride there was a picture, in our car we decided to all do funny faces. Niall and I did matching faces with each other, while Julianna and Liam did duck faces. After the Ride was over and we got off they had free mini samples of candy, today there were almond chocolate bars, in mini form. We all met up after and decided to look around in the gift shop for a bit. 

"Im going to get that giant Chocolate bar" I announced while running to the display. 

"I'm getting like six bags of twizlers" Julianna decided while going toward the display. 

Niall had his arms full of candy when he started towards the register, he pretty much had one of every type of candy Hershey makes. The others all had less by far, but we all ended up getting something. I got a Reeses pillow along with a giant chocolate bar. 

"Ok, so what do we all want to do now? " Liam asked once everyone had paid for their stuff. 

"No clue, we've already eaten, shopped, gone on rides, what else should we do? It's nearly 5:00" I pointed out to the group. 

"We could go drop all this stuff off and then come back? Or even just hang out at the Hotel?" Julianna suggested, I have a feeling she said that just because she wasn't a fan of rides. 

"Sounds good to me, what about you guys?" Leighann asked. We all agreed to going back to drop off our things and then most likely just hang out at the Hotel. 

Soon after moving on with our new plan we found out we were staying at the same Hotel, very convenient. We actually were on the same floor just opposite ends. It worked out quite well actually. The girls and I went to our room to drop off our stuff then agreed to go meet back in Niall and Liam's room with everyone. 


Hi guys! I'm so so so sorry I havent updated in so long, Im currently on spring break, and I really wanted to write for you guys and so here you go! I love reading comments, so please be active and I promise im going to try and update more often and regularly so any way thank you, really even just having one person read my story makes me feel so amazing so any way yeah thank you and I love you all.

Oh and Happy Easter if you celebrate it ! 

Also I will have Zayn in this because he's already involved and everything so yeah and its set more back aroung TMH so yeah. 

Any way thank you so much for the reads and please dont be shy comment, I want to get to know you guys and talk and Im always open to suggestions about anything, weather it be my writting or the plot whatever. Ok Ive taken up enough time! 

Till nex time 

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